
Because part of being a grown up is being able to decide for yourself what you believe and who you aspire to be like. So an nba player fucking up doesn't affect you, because you should be intelligent enough to decide if you want to be like him. The same way you are smart enough to decide if you want to play a violent

You're right, time to hide away all the breasts to prove how mature we are. Because liking breasts or sex is for pathetic teenage boys am I right??? Can't wait until we can get rid of all the sex in the industry to reach our optimal level of maturity! And that way we'll make sure that no woman could ever POTENTIALLY

A scantily clad woman promotes sexist stereotypes? Same for a muscular man? Should we run to the beach and cover people up? Should I get a protest sign and stand outside my local gym? I don't want to sound like such a dick but what I think the poster was trying to say, is that nothing has to be for everyone. The truth

"Everything in these games, comics, etc, is designed to appeal to what they believe all men want. All men want vapid useless damsels with huge tits and no clothing. All men want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is what they believe. It's patently wrong, and yet they keep doing it." Proof? Any proof at all that

I already told you what I'm doing! Trying to figure this out! "Despite their moaning about the stagnation and sameness of the games industry, they really do just want to make traditional games." I just want that explained because I don't understand that or its connection between that and kinect/wii.

Kind of seems like I would enjoy this.

I'm just trying to get a vita and tearaway soon.

Humor me and try again, explain that one sentence. Context and all, because I must have missed something. You said " I'm talking about the efforts the publishers and developers always tout that they're honestly reaching out to new audiences or trying to expand the reach of gaming so that it's more broadly accepted and

Did I not quote you directly? "Despite their moaning about the stagnation and sameness of the games industry, they really do just want to make traditional games." Can you explain that? I just want to know what you mean and if you don't know how am I supposed to.

If you can be a little more specific when it comes to publishers and developers that'd be great because I don't really know of any that said anything like that. In my experience it's mostly critics that say things like that, besides them I know of jade raymond and jonathan blow. Blow is making the witness, and jade

I was trying to make sense of some very odd assertions. So please explain:

The wii both created the motion control craze and crippled it from the jump by making the core motion controlling so poor that they had to release motion+. Sony released a better controller for the most part but they half-heartedly support anything that's not their main home console, and it required so many different

Despite their moaning about the stagnation and sameness of the games industry, they really do just want to make traditional games. And in the case of xbox, games for Bros. Big bloody gore and boob infested experiences.

Reeeeaaalllyyyy, thanks for the info!

Yeah something had to go very very very wrong for this much cocaine to go missing. There's some very unhappy, dead, or unhappy because they're dead, people out there.

How is she a parody of her gender? In fact how do you even know what her purpose is if you haven't played the game? Is "sexy" a parody of women? Hahahaha quick get rid of all the characters that could even be potentially considered sexually appealing to men. I'm amazed that your line of thinking could even exist. I

All very true. They'll be alright. I want to see where this all goes.

You know what maybe you're right. Maybe clear to me just isn't clear enough. Nintendo have to say this is a new thing, but then they have to say this is why you should get it because that's the bigger problem I think. If people were looking into the wiiu and finding out for themselves it's a new console that's one

I'm not really old or a major nintendo fan, but it genuinely makes me sad too. Nintendo aren't raising children anymore, they aren't introducing kids to games. Young kids(5-7) wanted the wii I think, it was simple for them to understand wii sports and easy for them to have fun, but it's not really getting you into

Ahh really, is all that recent? Doesn't this ad kind of say that the wiiu is new hardware? "It's time to upgrade" implies new tech in every context. Focusing on the screen as the new thing would cause lots of confusion for a console with a wiifit board, and wiisports, but the ad doesn't really focus on the tablet