
What should nintendo be doing to get families and kids on board with the other next gen consoles and touch devices around?

Xbox and ps3 the official console of american white people confirmed.

oooooo you know what I have no idea what their advertising's been so far hahaha. I don't think it's a matter of establishing that it's a new wii, the wii's not so well supported right now that there is as much room for confusion, it's the matter of expressing why consumers should care. And with this they're saying,

When your console is struggling you can't afford to alienate white people!!!!

They used upgrade to speak directly to people who own the wii. There's not as much room for misinterpretation, "it's the new one". It doesn't tell them everything, but it doesn't really have to.

So a scantily clad woman is a parody of women? Are there not women wearing even less than this at the beach? How is this a parody? And don't get in the fucking habit of comparing women to minorities. Women are not a minority and that's a pretty big difference because when you're 11 or 12% of the population, the

Well you see it's because kotaku is working towards a beautiful Utopian future without that dirty sex stuff.

You compared a scantily clad woman to blackface. You should take a long rest and think about how and why you are so wrong and how disrespectful it is to people that are actually bothered by black face because of it's history.

There's no relationship between nudity and sexuality? You know that's not true. Or are you referring to her not being naked because of her sexuality within the world of metal gear solid? Not only do you have no way of knowing that, but she's a bunch of polygons, she wouldn't be able to choose for herself no matter

Lmao I think that's what we call a victimless crime. Not sure who's being exploited or disrespected. It's really easy to be okay with sexuality when it's on your terms.

That's quite a positive way of looking at it.

Who knows, definitely time to draw things on it though.

Even though I've never played Rival schools, I honestly hope it's either that or a new ip.

Good good good. More games about things like this.

This has move support because hell yeah it does. More games with this tone and concepts this weird please.

"Saying that indies already exist currently is about as silly as saying that games themselves already exist." THANK YOU. great post. Have a nice day.

Well we lost a lot of developers this gen. And when those developers go indie, their fan base would shrink, when they join a larger dev, they became a smaller piece of something bigger, and we feel less of their influence.

No surprise there. Squirtle was always the best.

"Yes! And Sony's push for self-publishing and indies is as revolutionary as any hardware feature you may come up with." Yes! And the reason it's a big deal is because all the effort they are putting into discoverability, recommending games, even dedicating a button to sharing, if they can rise the profile of those

Sony demoed media molecules move ps4 project at the announcement! And then there's all the uses for it being done by small devs. The kinect hacks were really cool but I've seen more interesting games and projects shown for move, things don't look too bad for sony's peripheral.