The problem is too many people are new to politics can’t seem to get beyond the fact that sometimes your preferred candidate loses in the primary. Dean lost in 2004 and I didn’t throw a tantrum over it.
The problem is too many people are new to politics can’t seem to get beyond the fact that sometimes your preferred candidate loses in the primary. Dean lost in 2004 and I didn’t throw a tantrum over it.
Bullshit. Trump nearly CRUSHED the NFL with the USFL. Or maybe you don’t remember the fat fucking deal he cut with the NFL to buy them out. Let me remind you.
Universal access to mental health care? Don’t be silly...we just need to hire a trained officer with a car of their own to prevent these senseless acts from occurring. In fact, if everyone was allowed cars on this baseball field this could have been prevented.
Farquhar is just happy to be alive, since he seemed to know something like this would happen, saying in the interview “Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.”
Whispering “Herzegovina, don’t it?”
(for reference)
“just don’t taser any black guys under 6'0"”
They should only have one entrance/exit, and it should be controlled by armed guards to prevent anyone from entering or leaving without authorization. They should also eliminate windows, since those could be used as an access point. And perhaps the students should be able to earn “credits” at some kind of “commissary”…
You’re my favorite customer Fozberry.
My what now?
My favorite was when two Cavs converged for an uncontested rebound only to know it out of reach other’s hands and making LeBron pick it up. Pretty much encapsulates LeBron’s situation in CLE.
In plenty of my games, there’s a widow right next to the point, attempting to snipe people off of the point, missing every shot. Good stuff, haha!
Or worse, hiding and waiting for his ult.
Are you telling me my team of Widow, Hanzo, Torbjorn, Ana, Phara and Bastion should charge into a bunch of enemies? That’s where all their damage is. What a noob.
Star-Lord also told Drax to calm down about his wife and family getting murdered by Thanos when they were trying to ambush him at the collectors place. But he can not take his own advice later on.
I think I’ve got you beaten in terms of pathetic. I learned how to type without looking through 90s chatrooms.
AIM did it for me. Trying to keep up witty banter with girls I had crushes on was very important; so too was not looking like I didn’t know how to speak English.