
She looks like a paper human who had her eyes bored out with a pencil.

lol you’re the best

Also, it’s Vanngaurd*

Just a regular old dude with kid responses living in rural Vermont, grabbing a Starbucks French press before going to the grocery story that has people with developmental disabilities running the front end. Uncanny.

I live in a city in one of the 49 other states, and my Vangaurd is fairly diversified (in line with my age range).

While some of the people who work at the front end of my grocery store do have developmental disabilities, they’re still perfectly capable of putting my items in bags and also enjoying my rebuttals.

You need the VC from your sneaker deals to buy the vases and ottomans.

I feel like my actually rebuttals are pretty good!

They could have asked questions that weren’t asked. They could have run down leads based on the testimony. They could have done a lot of stuff if the scope and timeline weren’t limited. It’s a lifetime appointment, and if he was innocent, I’d think you’d want an exhaustive investigation of a serious allegation like

Do you mean French benefits? Starbucks has French-press.

Starbucks has over 28,000 locations. It’s hardly fringe. 

I’m excited for this to be added in the new Madden 2020 career mode. “Tap X repeatedly to toss the ottoman!” 

Brain, dead-ass*

I would think his attempt to normalize the scope could be countered with the point that this process was really not fucking routine, and therefore the investigation shouldn’t have been fucking routine, either.

My wife and I watched this show FOR YEARS off the strength of the first season, and 2-3 good episodes sprinkled among the boring trash of seasons 2-6. At a certain point, we started watching it just to give it the MST3K treatment; eventually, we just stopped really paying attention to it. We stopped watching after

You got the actor’s name wrong. It’s Jeffrey Dean Stanton. 

Only problem with that is: why not appoint literally any other shithead Republican from SC?

And that’s also why Mike is so shocked that Walt would pull that Gail move. Mike’s been here before, or so he thinks.

I really like how BCS has been giving us Walt analogs in the Mike storyline since season one. He’s always coming across guys who are like version-5 Multiplicity Walts (the guy selling smuggled prescription pills, Werner, etc.). Mike isa guy who relies on his experience; that’s how he knows that guy in the grief

You’re bound to be sore when you have your Tunsil out.