
Can other countries force us to do it via sanctions? 

I understand Carroll’s point here. I know it’s easy to slam the guy, but hindsight is 20/jetfuelcantmeltsteelbeams.

You’ll never get rid of shitheads, but you can hopefully push them to the margins of society. I hope that inexorably tying shitbag social policy stances to their party will sink them as society continues to move further left. Like, yeah, there are plenty of people who think universal healthcare is dirty socialism, but

I’m a man. I haven’t been in a bar fight. Because I’m not a fucking asshole.

“No respect for Detlef Schrempf.”

You’re right. I’m a Pats fan, and I’m not actively looking for the end of the dynasty, but I do know it’ll happen and I really try to not be a “typical” Pats fan (for example, I know a 38 year old man who posts on FB every Sunday about the Pats as if he was delivery a speech in Rudy). I do think that Burkhead going

Any what exactly is he owed?

It’s not so much an indictment of athletics, but the idea that his participating in athletics is somehow an argument against him being a huge asshole.

Editor at Deadspin isn’t exactly on the same level of a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the country. Kinda flattering, though.

He didn’t take her to see Rocky III with Squi, PJ, and Dee, so he obviously didn’t attempt to rape her.

How could he have tried to rape when he was busy going to Bullets games and going to see Rocky III with Squi, PJ, and Dee?

Coulter is probably worth the veteran minimum, and Lahren hasn’t really shown a lot of poise and her field awareness is not where NBC would like it. What they should do is convert Kelly to another position, or only bring her in when they have a package that suits her skill set.

Just think of her like Sam Bradford or someone similar. They spent all that money, can’t let it sit on the bench.

Twenty years of eating only Campbell’s soup will do that. You know what they say, “You are what you eat.” He looks like a bag of Campbell’s soup.

He’s like a Democratic Luca Brasi.

I’m sorry, this is a good mascot.

The “Kava-Nope” signs are missing out on a perfect pun: Kava-Naw. 


That’s what I’m saying: just because the other AFC East teams have been a joke, while the Pats go to 65 straight AFC championship games, doesn’t mean that’s happening this year. If they lose to Miami, then it’s time to consider accepting that it’s a new era.