President FoxyJ

My former company “offered” me a transfer there, from outside of Houston. I chose unemployment.

Finally...someone with an old-fashioned dirty sense of humor I can relate to

Do you agree with me that there’s a distinct smell that’s “pharmacy smell?” I can’t stand going to drugstores because of it. But of all my senses, smell is the spidiest as far as my reactions to it, so maybe it’s something only I smell??

You’re correct, she would have to take a huge heel turn. To me her least-likable is simply annoying or clueless/unrelatable, kind of a less-pretty Raquel from VR.

I had my own moment with it... the biggest fight I remember my parents having while I still lived at home year-round was over potatoes! But it had something to do with wrapping them in foil. I just remember the word FOIL!! being shouted and thinking at the time, and still, that it was funny in spite of the atmosphere.

He’s certainly unfunny, but (asking genuinely), has Miller become as contrived to the point of being almost incomprehensible as some of today’s conservative “comedy”/memes? The Chick-fil-A thing and surrounding controversy is almost surreal.

A woman of this description of my acquaintance, asks for “co-anchor hair” in the salon chair. 

I did too. She made me reword my resignation letter to take out a reference to her, which I’ll always regret doing. I just wanted out ASAP.

They are all lovely but OMG Ivy, I love cats with those perfectly round eyes.

Disregarding John Waters’ advice about fucking people with no books, in a past life I used to bone a guy who had a headboard that was textured FAKE book spines on a trompe l’oeil bookshelf. He didn’t understand why I thought it was hilarious. (it was worth it)

I went home once with a divorced dad who had a room furnished for his young daughter’s visits. A Barbie styling head judged me from beyond the doorway as I slunk past on my way out.

Moblie was the less-cute ape-raised child in the Jungle Book

I need to catch up on New Orleans this season. Charleston is mostly gross.

I came back to this funbag to make sure someone had made the “Tip-to-Tip Efficiency” reference I was too busy to the other day. That was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on TV.

Best rapper of all time

In a past life I hooked up with a guy who had a headboard that was textured fake book spines on a trompe l’oeil bookshelf. He didn’t understand why I thought it was hilarious. (it was worth it)

One of my housekeeping client families has it too.

Now I wish that some of my friends’ kids were into her, so I could study them.

Haha I just commented on how many of her pictures convey that LOUDNESS!!!

For me it’s that most of the pics I see of her seem to capture her in what my eyes tell my ears is mid-shriek, and I wince