President FoxyJ

There are so many weird trolls around lately... they’re hard to ignore, but I would only worry if one of the known nice people suddenly turned against you! Nobody who’s been following along at home would think you were a scammer, my lord. Even those of us who mostly lurk have been feeling your pains and admiring your

Shelly is a rare beauty of a white-and-tortie! Whatever her past, you’re giving her a lovely present and future and she can tell. Blessings on you and yours for your patience and kindness.

I’m actually LOLing at that visual... I believe it... they had that kind of energy!

All riiiight! I was scrolling through looking for the song I knew until this minute only as the tune at the end of Fast Times, of COURSE it’s Danny Elfman. I don’t know anyone who grew up in the 80s who doesn’t have love for him on some level.

They have the cutest things! Sold out of every one of them in my size this morning, but I’ll keep looking. My issue is asslessness, which shorts are friendlier to than bikini bottoms that are supposed to contain a butt.

I’m enjoying thinking about how much money is being spent there to cosplay the actual dangerous rednecks at the ice house in my small TX town.

“glossy, sweaty, skin-like” - so evocative. Ours reminded me of a brain, especially when the watered-down ketchup sauce and shredded processed cheese food product slid off onto your tray, leaving its rippled surface glistening.

I didn’t realize how much I’d missed this

Texas represent

Both you commenters (you and Ghost) have good stuff lots and lots of the time, it’s very welcome what with some of the weird new trolls around.

Hey man I gave you 99 if you star yourself you’ll have 100

If I saw it stoned to the bone, 100% chance I would be all “check it out I remember all the songs from all the times my mom took us to see the stage show in the 80s!” (seriously so many times) and I would sing mostly-wrong lyrics until I was removed.

It was such a dealbreaker... I didn’t think I had to SAY it


I would love to see them pissing off a hawk. A hawk attacked me once, and it WAS my fault but I didn’t appreciate it. I volunteer at a wildlife rescue, and I was carrying some dead mice in my hand as I walked across the yard to leave them for a hawk that was being rehabilitated, and a rehabbed and released, but still