
you’re a needless pedant who thinks he’s more clever than he is. and I am sure there is an underlying reason for it that is fairly obvious to me, at least.

So it’s okay that after violently assaulting this woman, they then throw her to the wolves? You can still love and care for your children while still finding fault in them. Damn right he doesn’t get to enjoy steaks right now. Damn right he has to register as a sex offender. That is what he did. That is who he is and

Two things:

Well, at least one person in that family is smart. And by “person” I mean “Logan’s dog.”

I just really want to give you a hug. I’m sorry that this happened to you, and I know it doesn’t cure anything, but still—all the hugs, all my love.

20 Minutes. My rapist took only about 15. That was >40 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten. These rapists think they are blameless. It only took 20 minutes, why is the rest of my life in ruins. BECAUSE THE REST OF MINE IS RUINED. POS

Nah, I’m actually offended. This letter was rape apology and gross, and this guy should be ashamed. His kid violated another human being and he’s looking to defend him. I get the impulse to protect your kid, but maybe acknowledge the enormity of his actions and say something that indicates you get it before being like

Yeah, but she’s a woman, not a human being. How could anyone think a little thing like raping a woman could warrant a punishment so awful that the poor rapist can no longer enjoy a good ribeye?

NOPE. Lots of dads would publish open letters saying “I am horrified at the criminal behavior of my son. I have no idea where exactly in his upbringing he developed the ability to be sexually aroused by an unconscious person, but any part in that that I have played, I sincerely apologize for. We have had him screened

There’s a difference between “being on his side” and “being a narcissistic arsonist who just dumped napalm on a fire that was about to go out.”

If you’re white apparently it’s the alcohol’s fault.

Oh, it’s just a letter? Then it’s totally cool. Can we get a list of all the convicted criminals in prison who don’t enjoy steak as much now, so we can commute all their sentences? I mean, we want to punish them, not make them enjoy ribeyes less. WE’RE NOT MONSTERS.

My Dad loved me to pieces, but if I committed a terrible crime I’m pretty sure he would have thought I deserved just punishment.

No problem with him being on his kid’s side. Kind of a huge problem with him ISSUING A STATEMENT when his kid just got a criminally lenient sentence. Just shut the fuck up, let your kid serve his six months, and be grateful the world still revolves around privileged white guys.

“Never will he be his happy go rapey self again”

My parents love me. They will love me no matter what. They would come visit me in jail. They would not defend me raping somebody.

after reading the dad’s letter, i think its safe to say that whatever brains got the rapist into stanford came from his mother.

I’m just glad we can finally focus on the real victim, his dad’s stash of pretzels.

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

that’s the attitude that bothers me. it’s the idea now that people take on personal responsibilities (babies and dogs especially) and then they don’t feel as if they need to make any social sacrifices and, in turn, they impose on everyone else in the name it. babies crying in breweries/bars, flying (obviously), babies