I just hate that (white) feminists are screaming about how all women have a duty to vote for Hillary because she’s a woman. I vote based on platforms besides vagina.
I just hate that (white) feminists are screaming about how all women have a duty to vote for Hillary because she’s a woman. I vote based on platforms besides vagina.
Where in that letter does dicksmear dad acknowledge that he also sees the rapist in his child? Just curious.
Stanza would prefer it if you didn’t feel feelings and talk about them because feelings are gross and for bad people with consciences who acknowledge this strange fiction called victimhood. Not like big strong bungholes like stanza who forgive any trespass because of blood relation and decreased affinity for steak.
But this festering droplet of a father and apologists like him are whining about how Brock had to give up a scholarship. They are also why news articles keep publishing his swim times and not calling him a rapist when referring to him.
Because he got some action, he no longer likes steaks and snacks, waah!
They sound like good parents, unlike this douchenoodle father.
I wonder if he’d be arguing for leniency for the rapist if it was his son that got raped for only 20 minutes.
But on your way to becoming a scientist, you eventually recognized how that movie does not actually accurately represent science, right?
See, now you’re just being mean to all the flim-flam artists out there that reach for the pie in the sky.
And if Ghostbusters hadn’t come out, the world never would have been blessed by Hi-C’s Ecto Cooler.
I like to think of Venkman as the mouthpiece or handler of the bunch.
Oh I agree. But the point of the movie wasn’t to be scientifically accurate and glorify the profession, but to highlight human determination in the face of nearly inconceivable change. It’s a somewhat tragic comedy of how sometimes frauds / unorthodox methods are what untenable situation calls for.
To be fair, science has long suffered AND benefitted from what could be described as scientists with rather cavalier approaches to “scientific methods.”
So glad racism is over in America.
That would be pretty amazing and completely turn what currently appears to be a shitshow remake right around.
-cue more fetal curling and crying-
Does yours squeal like you’re branding him every time you try to warm your hands against his overly warm skin too?
False advertising! Photoshop takes significantly more than 3 minutes to do anything, including open.