

The distinct separation of who the server is and is not talking about comes right after the sentence I quoted above where they outline that they are not talking shit about poor people and that economically-challenged people deserve to treat themselves just like everyone else.

That was my first thought too, and it makes the story an even funnier brainfart situation. But at the same time...that was clearly not the first time the waitress had been asked to hold the bread on a grilled cheese XD.

While I fully understand the concern, as that rationale would be a serious topic to consider, I don’t really get how people are inferring such a classist idea. To come to that conclusion, you’d basically have to ignore the entire first paragraph and this sentence.

If being human excrement is a socioeconomic group, it must be a relatively newly formed one.

Proximity learning is like saying janitors should be able to spot cardiac problems because they mopped up around where heart surgery was periodically performed.

Why, because servers must present themselves as doe-eyed hapless ingénues to be considered genuine victims of shitty customer behavior? The server literally did nothing wrong and there is no difference between that story and the ones following it unless you’re equating the usage of swear words and calling a turd a

No doubt she left the bar and stomped off to destroy Tokyo again.

Since when has BCO been about liking people?

Something like that, and the lack of carcasses I would assume.

If you microwaved it long enough, it became a magically salty snowflake of crisp cheese you can use to garnish/decorate other dishes or gleefully eat by the handful like the fat bastard I am.

I’ve heard “carbonated drink” and “tonic” as alternatives. Weird as hell.

Young Coke enthusiasts being taken for “experiments” with Dr. Pepper...

So deeply depressing. I need a drink, and to hug some Yoshis.

Saganaki is a crisped square of cheese delivered on fire, not a puddle.

So much humor is lost to the ages now that elderly conservative family members have invaded Facebook.

May the Xanax be with you.

Congenital beverage generalists - the next great culling.

Maybe it harkens back to some subconscious safety mechanism in their reptilian brain that spies a hot mess and says “other people have been here. Here is safe. Go here for eats.”

From the promptness of the answer, it’s pretty clear that this was not the first time someone had ordered a grilled cheese without the bread.