FowlTemptress (aka hercules q. einstein)

From William Bradford’s journal in the 1620s, about a man caught for this very thing: “He was this year detected of buggery, and indicted for the same, with a mare, a cow, two goats, five sheep, two calves and a turkey.”

I read elsewhere that she interrupted people who were trying to interrupt him and told them that they would respect him as he was in her church. And this fucking asshole comes out with this petty, utter bullshit comment that who the fuck even buys, followed by an incomprehensible word salad that amounted to his own

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

Is it still called the cavalry if it’s dogs instead of horses?

Only? Only?!?

Polar bears are innocent and cute and cuddly puffs of love!

Turkish Delights isn’t a sex thing, it’s from a children’s book? Still would not Google while at work.

The movie was based on his autobiography, and detailed his life as he had lived it up until that point. As a listener and fan, I don’t ever find myself thinking that he isn’t being totally honest about or taking responsibility for his actions. I always thought that transparency was the backbone of his entire career.

I just did that this summer, cut off about a foot of hair, I felt lighter leaving the salon. I donated it to locks of love, and found out after that they throw out a lot of the hair they get, I should have sold it. But it's gone so I'm happy.

Aww, there’s nothing to feel shameful over.

More like Jennifer WHINER am I right?

Agreed. I love some of her books but lately her stuff hasn’t been great. I just finished The Next Best Thing over the weekend and it was really poorly written and has a number of 2 star reviews on Goodreads. She writes fun beach fiction. It’s not “Important Literature” (not that Melton’s is either) but I am tired of

Jennifer Weiner manages to have a problem with any writer who isn’t Jennifer Weiner.

“It’s sadly common...” You are being patronizing and disrespectful right now. Alexis’s family did NOT “misgender” him. They were supportive of hist transitions, which were multiple, and his evolving pronoun preferences. Ironically, it is you who are erasing their support and love in order to make his narrative fit

Rachel Maddow was the only rational choice ... yet they went with the guy who let Ryan Lochte pulling wool over his eyes...

The timing is the icing on this shitcake he is serving her.

Nobody expects the Spanish friend tradition.