Thet look like puckered arseholes,that have just be bleached.
Thet look like puckered arseholes,that have just be bleached.
Almost fifty years of hiking and hunting in South Africa and it’s neighbours and I never got sick. In the Drakenberg mountains we would drink straight from the stream. We would often take water home, because it made good whisky even better.
Local residents will help themselves to just about anything in Limpopo South Africa.
Is it big enough for a Meth lab? Just asking for a friend ,of course.
The “Howzit Boet” is the big give away. That banner proberly has some great stories to tell.
Are from or in RSA. That bycle looks to be right hand drive. Spot maar net....
Have star. I came here to say the same thing
I hate mayo. It is like frog spunk.
I also suffer from bad gout. For the last year or so I have been drinking really good apple cider vinegar and it is reduced to a background buzz rather than screaming in agony. Iadd the ACV to all my drinking water, which now that is summer and tomorrow is going to be 43C /110F, so I am drinking about 10/12 glasses of…
Good job he didnt buy a Mustang
Irregardless of whether or not it is an actual word or not, it gets used irregardlesly...
That dog just Dodged a bullet....
My dogs used to go bat shit over baboon shit, which most of you dont’t have lying around. Living on farms in South Africa as we do means there was plenty.
The right side is the correct side, otherwise it would be called the wrong side...
I hate all nuts but the refined one really has no coconut taste at all.
I wonder if they give the wait staff a tip
I yam what I yam
Fake stick on road rash or perhaps an easily removeable plaster cast.
Just so long as it did not smell like the crack of Dawn. Especially if Dawn is on crack
I bet that he gets roasted at some point