
Funny enough she met this dickwad at the Hairdressing Salon that he owned and she worked at. She did hairdressing her whole life.

We had only been in RSA for about two years then. She had left school at 15 while we were still in the UK and she had also moved out of the house by then. She was already working by 15. Five foot tall red head with a temper to match. She is 62 this year and a sweet mild Grand Ma.

In the early seventies, my sisters boyfriend put one of those under a fuel tanker, with my sister in it. They both survived, he only because he could run faster than my father. The boyfriend was German and we were English, so my father never liked him to start with and after my then seventeen year old sister ran off

Interesting side note. They also built these things here in Natal in RSA, starting from about the seventies. I now live a thousand miles away from there and I found out that they are being built in the next town. I also heard that a very rich black car nut has bought the company, so they might well reappear. IIRC the

What I love about this video is that they go silent in the camera vehicle and think to themselves, “But for the grace of God and the Good manners, that I have learnt , goes I “

Just poke to small holes in the lid. No more KaBoom, just caramel.

Hey I live in South Africa and I thought the same thing. And I am colour blind, but there was still a brief flash of Trump. Which is not fair as our President is a bigger dick than your President.

Not to a randy frat boy raccoon....It is a dream rather

Generally we get rectally reemed with our second hand cars. A thousand dollar car goes for about double that here, but upmarket cars can be well priced. But to put that price into perspective, it is 95 months rent on my little cottage on a farm. But my place is really cheap . It is closer to 60 months rent for similar

One went for R190 000.00 here a while ago. With our shitty rate of exchange that is about $14000.00. The steering wheel would be on the wrong side for most of you though.

I had that happen with an old motorbike years ago. I think thats were the term crotch rocket came from. That did bring tears to my eyes.

IIRC in the old days English ex cop cars were great. They were well maintained and had great up grades as well. They were considered good buys. Now days who knows, perhaps someone from the UK will through some light on the subject

Watch us drive the 2016 Ford Ranger you cant buy in America. Fixed that for you...

My eyes just vomited and now my eyelashes are starting to stick together. Argh

That wasn’t a Strike,it must be a Spare. There was still one standing

It is a Cruiser, just not on Land anymore

Oh Deer !!!

Mango Chutney MMMm. Always tastes better when made with weepy faced Mangoes

Please tell me that you have really small hands. otherwise that thing is rather large

Watch it with closed captions ON. The auto translate is not really having a good day, or it is just saying Fuck you.