Another silly bugger, who put the decimal in the wrong place
Another silly bugger, who put the decimal in the wrong place
Torch she wants torque not talk.
About 20 years ago, we had an Ostrich Farm with a gift shop and restaurant where we sold all things Ostrich. One day, a guy who had made his money in the booze trade, walked in and said that he wanted to try and make Ostrich Eggnog. Once we stopped laughing, we gave him a couple of eggs and thought that was the last…
I like the way that you think. Who needs food when you can make your own alcohol?
We did Warthog and it was fantastic, on the other hand we cocked up on the Kudu. Overcooked by about 3 hours at a guess.
My corner hardware store has more specials that this on a normal day.
My corner hardware store has more specials that this on a normal day.
No Turkey this weekend. Rather i went to my friends house and did a Kudu Loin coated in Black pepper and full grain french mustard. That only took ten hours. At the same time I de-boned a small warthog leg and made sauce/marinade out of what he had lying around in his pantry. And does he have an amazballs selection .…
Just dont blame the pelican.
Over here in RSA, you would be lucky to get two, maybe three grand US and the steering wheel would still be on the same side.
Need for Speed Most Unwanted.
The South African G5 fun fact is it has its own engine and can travel indipendent of the gun tractor. Not very far and not very fast. But still better than man handling the beast. Nice gun
Thats OK . It will keep them guessing.
The funny thing about a ute or as we call them here ,a bakkie, is that big flat upright bit at the back with the manufacturers name in big bold letters, well it folds down making unloading fairly simple. Particularly when on a slope. As long a the vehicle is nose up..
Presented by Turdseyeview Media Productions where pulling focus in not our greatest priority.
What annoys me more are, the toss pot idiot that spend the extra money on a personalized number plate and then tell you what car it is on. I saw BMW M3 on a plate and would you believe it was on a BMW M3. Well fuck me, thanks for telling. I would never of guessed....
Ask yourself “ What would Jesus do ? “ Drift baby drift
Mooi Man!! well spotted
That selection would cost about two months rent for me. OK my rent is fairly low and imported booze is expensive here in RSA because our currency keeps seeing its ass after Zuma does another stupid thing or makes another stupid statement. As the country gets worse we need to drink more but can afford it less.
82 votes and no comments. For those of us who do not live in the US, we have to convert to our own currency and then have a bit of a think and compare what you can get locally. That makes this a crack pipe of note. Even perhaps a plumbers crack pipe. That is a lot of money for not much car.
I’m not sure why I don’t own one and live in one and cherish one as mine forever.Because the rusted faster than they drove. You would leave home and by the time you got to work, all that was left was the seat, you were in and the steering wheel. At least here in RSA anyway.