Come on we all know the real reason.
Come on we all know the real reason.
Dingo in the Kango
It is when they use your full name, or even all of your names. Then you just know that you have fucked up proper.
Ummm, 31 years younger would make it the 2019 model, if my limited grasp of maths has not failed me. Although I have seen some great 21 year olds. Some where even motor vehicles.
Seems a bit short of deployable weapons
I have found that kicking your side stand down normally triggers the loop.
That is disgusting. My eyes just vomited and my stomach ran screaming away out of my arsehole.
There is 125 people at this point , who think that this is a NP. They must have already smoked their crack pipe before voting.
In that part of the world, the driver is at least old enough to be the GranDaddy.
All you have to do is let it drive into the back off your Volvo and it’s all over.
Came here to post that. Throw the dog into the deal and it’s a NP.
Rosaries do get torqued to a lot, so they must have torque
I have that ones big brother. It goes to 200m rather than 100m.
I have that ones big brother. It goes to 200m rather than 100m.
Wow you guys are lucky. We never received any training. We ended up being arseholes all on our own.
Unlucky Fried Kitten
That particular model was called the Ford Exploder out here
Finally a fucking fast ferret. I wouldn’t want that ferret up my trouser leg though.
It has been suggested that if you play hard rock backwards( in the days that you still could),then you would get Satanic messages. If you play country music backwards, well then you get you truck back, you get your horse back and most of all you get your girl back
What is with all this Tulipwood? I cannot imagine that you get much wood out of a Tulip. Very clever these Dutch.
Do you find that those spotlights really help with Owl spotting at night..