
Pop up LED message bar ,me thinks.

Tliumph Helard or Japanese Truimph Herald

Damn that bike is two years younger than me and in much better shape. It is so clean that you can see the photographer in every pic.

Is it me or is it tethered to a cable as well? Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war. Eh how about we just give them a bit more cable?

Du Toits Kloof Pass . At the top you are almost the same height as Table mountain. Roughly 3000 foot.. Avery nice road that goers over the mountain instead of through the tunnel.The tunnel is about 4 kilos long and is only good for listening to how great your Truimph sounds...

Which I have now done. It was just the door at a funny angle. Know we all know. German engineering at it’s best..

I get that, but what is the arm on the left? Maybe I should not be so sodding lazy and google image the thing:)

What on earth is that contraption??? It looks strong enough to contain a well pissed off Black Rhino. And he would be well pissed off if you could get him into that cage. But Black Rhinos are pissed off most of the time..

On behalf of the all the locals, allow me to say “ Welcome to South Africa”

Great now you just need to tell us where you are talking about.

Joburg otherwise known as Gangsters Paradise

Cape Town South Africa has plates like this. And a very good film prop building industry. And the steering wheel is in the right spot.

Did you watch the whole movie? there are at least 7 holes in the body and every window except the windscreen is shot out. That is at least 12 hits out of 15 to start with. From a moving bike. Yeah he really is a terrible shot...

90 % of cops that work in the field, here in RSA, have tethers these days

Off duty, on a badged bike with lights and sirens. Um No they dont get to take those home in South Africa. To be honest, that is the first decent bike that I have seen the SAPS on . Normally they are 250/old 350

Naw The South African Police Service doesn’t get cool rounds, like hollow points. They have to make do with the uncool FMJ’s that punch through the target and ping around the neighborhood until they stop

Fifty shades of grey

And physically challenged octopusses octopi, them things.

Please have a star. I laughed brandy and ginger beer all over my phone . Thank You Sony for another waterproof phone.

Thank you for making smile at 5Pm on a Friday afternoon. We have so much shit going on in South Africa with student protests and a government going down the toilet. I needed that