As Winston Churchill might have said,”We’ll fight them on the beaches, because we cant get off the fucking beaches”
As Winston Churchill might have said,”We’ll fight them on the beaches, because we cant get off the fucking beaches”
He must be coming in to land, I see that the landing gear is down.
Did you hear about the Dyslexic Bulimic who kept sticking her finger up her arse?
Is HOMO milk pink ?
I have a pretty 14 year old daughter, so I find adding a spade quite useful at times.
Umm you seem to have used an I when you should have used an a, Twat is surely what you meant.
I always thought that the Nazi’s, considered themselves the Souper Race...
Only 17 stars, before mine, I think that you should get 9 stars for every one of those.
The seat and back end, looks like Kermit trying to push a putty.
And then we dirtify it and drop some weight. Did you ever see the 150/160 kg SV on Very sweet
Mmmm RD 350 time again
I remember reading about them and wondering if they survived. The bike with the Smart Car diesel was interesting but expensive. The KLR with diesel type torque but lower weight than the big three cylinder was more interesting for my kind of riding
Have a star good Sir. I am glad that someone still remembers how to ride a bike
I remember when we got the first Tarmac BMX track in South Africa in about 82 or 83. It was part of the National Series and when we got there we where like Um WTF. It rode really nicely until I went down and discovered that I was allergic to Tarmac. I had big red bleeding patches. Still finished third overall at that…
There done, H100 by Hyundai. We have had these for almost 10 years in South Africa. Rated for 1300 kilograms load. My boss took one over the weighbridge at the quarry with 2650 kgs plus a empty weight of 1650 kgs for an all in weight of 4.3 tons (metric) for less money than a bottom of the range Hilux. Great little…
You can spill something by “mistake “ but spitting, well um, I struggle to see the mistake
To you perhaps. To other parts of the world, this could be called a gas grill. A Salamander is a overhead gas grill /burner used to finish or keep food warm. Just my 5 cents of course....
Have a star for the Nemesis
A star for the Atom, but the other vehicle has to come from the same island. Depending on how far you want to go off road. Defender, Disco or RRS. And if you have the money, then ask Bowler to make it go a bit quicker.
Shit, now I am not sure if that wasn’t BMC. And I am about to run out of data. Anybody who wants to blow the bandwidth on correcting me will be appreciated.