
Lol. That would be Afval. Sounds a bit like awful but done well is great. Nicely curried

Thanks for a great reply. You build thread is great. I am sorry to hear about the valve, Sods law as soon as you get something right, the fickle finger of Fate gets itchy. That Cb is great . I rode a GS 550 with up right bars for a while but it didnt enjoy the dirt track to my cottage. It did enjoy eating Hardly

Then it would be a carnivore

If you ever happen to be bored, would you be so kind as to swap the clipons for a set of dirtbike bars. I do believe that I may not be alone in this request. Oh and post some pictures please. Thanks in advance. Ps some decent dirtbike tires wouldn’t go amiss either

Done by Freddie Kruger. BTW I like your username. It is a longer version of my small town local nickname

Shit that is only about 10 kilograms lighter than my 95 Triumph Tiger with the Honda having about half the horsepower. Picking the old steamer up was not that much fun. But I only weigh about 165 lbs wet and muddy Shit I miss that bike.

To me, a poached egg was one that was caught in a snare, on a not to bright night. And then you would stuff it down your pants and run silently though the dark forest for half a mile. When you ate your poached egg, you always chucked the last bit and the shell to the lurcher that had been silently by your side all

Nicely done. Have a pentagram.

Sorry I forgot the star. Sorted.

It looked familiar, but what the Fuck was that?

Triumph hides it FI under the carbs and has a fake choke knob that artificially raise the revs during cold start. On the retro scrambler at least.

Like Japanese for silly archer

Not many of them out here in Africa. But I speak enough Xhosa to be able to pronounce it. Sounds like, she (the p is silent) otley. Please tell me that I am right.


NFS-MW is the only game that I finished twice on PC and once on PS2 it was ,make that still is ,fucking brilliant. Sitting up top on the bus shelter watching the cop cars go bat shit below you. And screaming like a girl when one would get a lucky bounce and land up stairs with you. i will play it again with a decent

So you guys pay 1.2 for a USD. We pay 12 for one USD. And we still get all four wheels done for half the price of one of your wheels. That price remains shit expensive. But most other nice shit like cars , bikes guns and fishing tackle is much cheaper over there.

Put your toilet roll in the freezer, when you begin cooking. Take out as required. Sorted

Nah it is the lack of fibre in her diet and she is trying to squeeze cheeks

tortellini in brodo . MMMmmmm

18.75 USD to balance one wheel? What are they balancing it on? Their nob perhaps? And I hope, using virgins nipples as weights.