Four Cats

“I believe that there’s no such thing as “too soon” when discussing the less-than-positive feelings someone might have about the recently deceased; particularly if said deceased has been accused of an unforgivable thing...I believe that the urge to silence those voices—or, rather, to provide them with some sort of

Crimes are complicated. I’ve said this elsewhere, but I’ll repeat: part of a humanistic (or politically liberal) worldview is the thought that people who commit crimes - even heinous ones - are capable of rehabilitation. Human beings do bad things, and might even be bad people, but that doesn’t mean they are required

I cannot help but think that our collective ignoring “colorado” helps make more “colorados” happen.

oh thank god somebody said it. gwb wasn’t bad, he just oopsie-doopsied the country backwards into a pointless war that killed untold numbers of innocent people and eroded all kinds of civil liberties for our citizens. the road to hell isn’t paved with anything, so we can just give him a sticker for trying his best and

I guess the point is, what is the expectation for Ellen here? Would it have been better for her to scream “you are a war criminal!” at Bush and then spit in his face?

$10 for a jar of marinara? Must be nice being part of the 1%

BTW, does the British spelling of “realised” really warrant a [sic]?

$250,000? What kind of PUA, ladder theory, incel shit is that? Grow a personality if you can’t grow in height. Christ, I’d want a quarter mil in shopping money per year to spend my life with a boring man whining about his height all the time too.

Being an American Jew is an incredibly frustrating experience. Because on the one hand, I look at Israel, which feels like a betrayal of Jewish values and the historical trauma visited upon our people—the minute we are in a position of power, we decide to treat others the way we have always been treated? I understand

A lot of under 50, non-college educated, (mostly) white males voted for him.

Agreed on all points. I’d like to add one minor thing, though. Trump further encapsulates the Boomer id, in that he doesn’t understand the role he’s played in his failures. He rails against banking and lending systems, as if they’re the reason he can’t run a successful business. He’s perfect, and his businesses are

I don’t know if I’ve ever had a guy lie about his height, probably because I’ve never done online dating. But I have had a couple of guys who were uncomfortable with the fact that I (6') was a few inches taller than them. It’s never been an issue for me that I’m taller than the guy I’m dating, but several of them were

I am absolutely not denying, for one second, that women in this country prefer taller men. It is, as you said, statistically backed up. That said: they’re gonna figure it out when they meet you, so lying about it seems weird.

Because the Lollipop Guild is full, short stack.

It’s not about being loyal to a stranger, it’s contrarianism as performative intellectualism.

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So

Next up: Philadelphia Eagles.

In Soviet Russia, girl gropes YOU!

These owners really need to stick to sports.

How do I unpack the amount of emotional trauma this team has done to my wife and kids due to my rage from this team. My wife begged me to shut off the TV during the third quarter of the Championship because I was literally scaring the shit out of my kids because of the screaming/crying/rage.