Four Cats

Uncle Keith, is that you?

Well said, mate. +1

Here for this. Murray was a feminist’s Dude on the Inside.

I’m seriously wondering how, and if, I’ll be able to watch the next Cup. It’s my favourite sporting event on earth, but when does passive consumption of injustice tip over into complicity in that injustice? I don’t know.

Not that this is surprising, but that bust of MLK is trying real hard to keep his temper.

starred because it’s true, not because I like it. 

Burnenko, did I read this headline first, and many times thereafter, as “Bring Back Good Breakfasts”? Of course I did. #foodspin

somebody ungrey this, it’s awesome

The real question, of course, is: who are the GLORY BOYS who walked right past that gorgeous bitty girl with her fist out, granting them elite sportsbaby luck, with nary a backward glance? For shame.

Don’t forget, dingbat racist Paul LePage is OUT OF THE MAINE GOVERNOR’S OFFICE!!!

this deserves more stars, even if it’s not Tuesday. +1

Fantastic article, mate, thanks a lot. These sorts of controversies are the reason why I don’t wear a red poppy - once it becomes ‘required’ and people are bullied for not doing it, how is it true in any way to the original spirit of the thing?

no kidding. I love to toss around “Wenger in/out!” in a sort of “Thanks, Obama!” type way but this I might actually want to see, if only for the galactic level meltdown that would follow.

Wenger in!

Also, only dudes, apparently.

I’ve said this before, but: I don’t even watch American football and I bleeding love the Jamboroo.

Next logical step: the fans go full Mourinho and start flying Hegel quotations over the stadium. I would pay good money to see this.

Aww, this is great! No one ever looks happier to be out on the pitch than Son, it would’ve been heartbreaking if his career had to end so suddenly. I’m really pleased for him (and I’m an Arsenal fan to boot).