Now With 100 Percent More Verbs and Spices

Also, my husband Idris Elba.

No DB Cooper? Awww man.

Just my opinion, but anyone that is willing to stop looking for answers in logic and the world around them, and instead say, "God did it", is not particularly intelligent. My point is that if there is ever an AI that consumes all of our collective information and analyzes it logically, I am highly doubtful that it

Superintelligence and religion seem to be mutually exclusive.

The planet Caprica would agree with you.

Clutch those pearls, Jethro.

The last thing a potentially genocidal superintelligence needs is religion.

sorry, miss #notallchristians

if religion got out of the business of politics and morality-legislation (while being tax-free) i would be more on board with this... but the religious influence politics and make policies based on their religion that affect us all - as a non-believer, i don't tolerate that.

My BFF and I met at our Catholic college, we had both mostly given up our religion by that point, but we had the history/tradition. Fast forward 10 years, her (now) husband was raised atheist and it's always amazing to watch his face as she describes some of the intricacies of the Catholic faith to him. He gets this

For a long time I've been falling asleep with the aid of an adult beverage or two.

For a long time I've been falling asleep with the aid of an adult beverage or two.

My Facebook feed is full of excited friends posting about this but icy fear shoots through me and roils in my stomach every time I think about my expectations being confronted by the reality of this book.

As. Transwoman I will say I do not apeak for all transwomen and previous commenters do not speak for me. The outrage was never about that cis people could not play trans characters, it was about the unwillingness to cast us. About the unwillingness to allow us, like gay characters to be anything other than

Get your own show, cast whoever you want.

No, but part of the character is that Denise presents as male or female depending on the situation. It's about fluidity of identity.

Maybe you should check out the show before judging it too much. Duchovny's character was a transvestite, not transgendered; and was presented in a very positive light, working alongside Kyle MacLachlan's main character and helping to save the day more than once.

See, I'm glad to see responses of shock. Because that tells me that the social contract is working; there are now places where this kind of behavior - in public, at least - not only is unacceptable, but has been unacceptable for so long that it's genuinely surprising to the denizens of those regions.

I love how so many on here are so shocked by this. I have coworkers like this guy (& they've been at past jobs, too), & this guy is in the stores & the restaurants, & everywhere else. Oh yeah, wait a minute, his family is also just like him. I was standing in line to get a sandwich one day, & a man was telling his

When the cops got there, Gaa at first denied making the comments, but in the process of doing so, this complete dumbshit started using racial slurs.

I would like one of these in several colors, please.