Now With 100 Percent More Verbs and Spices

I still suspect they will interpret it extremely narrowly and there will be, like, five states without same-sex marriage rights. And they'll just kind of sit there being assholes for like twenty years before they quietly get with the program.

You know, I grew up in Alabama, and I literally started crying when I heard this- because I thought we would be the last place that this would happen.

It is outrageous when a single unelected and unaccountable federal judge can uphold the fundamental democratic value of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority, and in doing so assert the principle that human rights apply to everyone.

Well goddammit. There goes my bet in the Last State to Recognize Gay Marriage pool. If I'd only gotten there a little sooner, I could have chosen Mississippi or Texas, but someone else beat me to it.

You are a gigantic fucking dickwad.

Oh bullshit. I dealt with customers like you for a decade. We can smell you coming. If it weren't the table, you would have found something else to bitch about and justify your being a cheap fucking asshole.

...wouldn't be tipping for the meal and apologized nicely to the server for that.

You are an asshole, plain and simple. The server isn't the the hostess. If you can't figure that out, the hostess shouldn't be the one having their intelligence called into question (and the fact that you are using an elementary school playground insult actually pretty tells us everything we need to know about your

Let's say you really are this person, and your side of the story is 100% true.

Not that I'm gonna believe that you happen to be that actual customer without a huge fucking grain of salt and a lot of side-eye, but if you were (and are colossally lame enough to not only admit it, but revel in it) the fact that you think that "a rsvp" is the same thing as a reservation makes you the "retarded" one

I'm so glad you came here to elaborate and clarify your side of the story, because now that you've done so we can all rest easy knowing that you're a shitty crybaby asshole instead of just speculating that you are. Thanks for the peace of mind.

i read your first line and didn't read the rest because you're a fucking asshole.

For FUCKS sake, assholes. "I don't like your coworker, so I've decided you shouldn't get paid." THATS LOGIC.

THIS is the most relevant comment on this board.

My 5 year old has terrible eczema which is worse during winter. I used t bathe him daily and the dermatologist told me to stop. He said that a weekly bath was fine— twice a week if he is really dirty. He doesn't get dirty and doesn't have BO so he's fine.

I think it's a hair washing issue more than anything. Nothing brings out the WTFs more than other ethnicities and a black person discussing how often they wash their hair. I have natural hair and have a full wash day, and my friend who's Asian with short straight hair was like "it takes ALL DAY?!???" when I told her I

and right here, that's where i say,"why don't more homes have bidets?" seriously. i shower about every 5 days, but i wash my lady parts every day. my skin is great. i never use soap. i use a wash cloth and scrub down, that's it. no one has ever said "umm lady, you stink." in the summer i shower more, winter, umm, when

Also the more you shower the more you need to shower. I think your skin produces more oils in an attempt to compensate or something.

i'm a second day (or third if i feel lazy) showerer, but on dig you have to shower every day to get rid of the sweat and dirt, so after 6 weeks my skin/scalp is used to every day

To be fair, its Americans who shower a lot more then anyone else in the world. Driven, of course, by our consumerist society where we must douse ourselves with every possible combination of sodium laureth sulfate and perfumes.

Every two/three days in the winter, every other day in the summer. (Obvious exception if I have done something to make myself stinky/dirty)