Now With 100 Percent More Verbs and Spices

These slogans, with real-life subtext:

Why the fuck won't BCO show up for meeeee

Hi, Collex. Its not a matter of getting the appointment on the same day you call - rather, the law requires that you make two separate appointments, one 24 hours after the other, to have a procedure that only takes one visit. In normal medicine, you call the clinic and make an appointment - maybe a few days later,

Ironically, this comic that shut down a terrible Internet argument was then "punished" by said terrible Internet argument by having its site shut down.

Meta-studies are in fact MORE reliable than studies, not less. They're a combination/compilation of studies. You're effectively getting the benefit of more data points and controlling for different methodologies. One study may find a benefit, one doesn't... you can cherry pick which study to go by, which ends up being

That explanation is not canon, and also a stupid post hoc justification for a mistake.

Trick question! They both were infiltrated by Cylons......

It's not about hacking, it's about ethics is specific equipment configuration.

"If I was working [at Microsoft or Sony] and had a big enough budget I could totally stop these attacks," another member of Lizard claimed. "I'd buy more bandwidth, some specific equipment, and configure it correctly. It's just about programming skill. With an attack of this scale it could go up to the millions. But

Your neighbors have an X5? Why do you live next to terrible people?

I've said it before, and will continue to say it: Please, from all the nurses out there, if you're going to shove something in one of your holes, just tie a goddamned string around it first!

My nurse friend had to pull a 5 Hour Energy bottle out of a guys ass.

It's the eyebrows. Those are attack eyebrows.

I don't believe in killing a large group of brainwashed people because of one asshole.

as previously stated, google the plot of 1988's The Naked Gun, and get back to us.

Yeah, there's nothing more vindicating than being able to argue "This 5-year-old agrees with me!"

Great and thorough write up. I would also recommend the documentary that I stumbled upon recently on Netflix-Codebreaker. I was unaware of the pending Cumberbatch movie or the Jacobi film, for that matter. In fact I had never even heard of Turing or his story. I was moved to tears and anger. But what I really found

Can I just say how awesome it is that we live in a world where we can actually ask "Which Alan Turing movie is better?"

The Scientific Formula for Perfect Eggnog: