Now With 100 Percent More Verbs and Spices

I feel like some people hold or post those signs as support for a family member in law enforcement—but for the most part, yeah. I’m the son of two cops, and I will never post such a sign in my yard, on my car, nor will I put up one of those bastardized American flags with a black background, white stripes and stars,

What’s the over-under that it’s concluded to be “unrelated”? And then some drug-related charges are brought up against the deceased?

Do you realize how deadly measles has been historically? 7 to 8 million people died of measles EVERY YEAR until a vaccine was developed. You’re dangerously misinformed.

It’s generally ok to contract as an adult with a healthy immune system.

And powdered wigs and makeup too.

Toxic masculinity should be re-labeled as FALSE masculinity because it ignores male customs throughout history, including those of wearing wigs and fancy clothes.

Please be a trend.

and high-heels for that matter

It’s pretty awesome, and I totally don’t get anyone have an issue with this dress.  It looks manly as hell, but in its own way.

...and then there’s this gem...

On a night when I was underwhelmed and bored by 98% of the gowns, Porter’s made me gasp. Then swoon with delight. It’s an absolutely stunning, gorgeous look on him. I love love love it. 

Men have been wearing “dresses” for like, 95% of human history. For a bunch of idiots who long for the yesteryears of history they sure are absolutely clueless.

I’m just here to share the greatest clap-back in the universe:

God, the fragile masculinity of some of the men I’ve seen comment on this outfit.

Sure, they’re the opponent for a little while, but after it’s all over we should be cordial.

It’s all a game to these people. Cillizza views Trump and his Goon Squad the same way the Pelicans view the Warriors. Sure, they’re the opponent for a little while, but after it’s all over we should be cordial.

This is exactly how it should be, verified accounts for all who want to use twitter to create a presence online, but not mandatory for users who don’t want it to turn into a real id system. There should also be a mechanism to flag parody accounts that might not be super obvious.

Dougie Jones!

In an era of television binge-watching, I find it so odd that audiences would prefer not to grapple with lengthy works of film.

My problem with the sketch is that it wasn’t creepy enough. The Safelite guys was a realistic amount of creepy. It would have been easier both to laugh at and to laugh off if they had cranked the absurdity up to 11.

“Somewhere in Houston, there is a man trapped under rubble, his leg clearly broken. Resigned to death as the water rises around him, suddenly there is reprieve from the grave! Light pours in as the man’s rescuer comes into focus. But alas! It is just a woman. True, she is a trained firefighter and muscular and has a