This is hilarious. What’s the betting that Trump only mentions Cruz once in his speech and then goes on another rant about Hillary, Obama and no collusion though.
This is hilarious. What’s the betting that Trump only mentions Cruz once in his speech and then goes on another rant about Hillary, Obama and no collusion though.
I’m a Beto O’Rourke volunteer and spent the evening calling registered voters tonight. There are still A LOT of people who will vote for Ted simply because he’s a Republican. They don’t want to hear about “the Democrat,” or they’ll regurgitate whatever they hear on Fox News. We have a lot of work to do, and even…
They picked the right message. The others are too iffy. For instance, pointing out he’s a religious hypocrite? They all are, inside, as well; so too close to home. Suggesting Cruz might not be anti-gay enough is ridiculous - and also less popular than it used to be. Accusing him of not being presidential? He’s not…
The simple solution, of course, is to get more billboards.
This is the “I’m sorry IF YOU were offended apology,” which isn’t actually an apology.
Yup. I saw some people argue that she was just craning away to see him because she’s short and fuck that bs. She’s obviously pulling her body away, and looks very tense. I can be terrible at reading body language and facial expressions sometimes and that’s obvious to even me.
Hell, if my HUSBAND groped me like that in public we’d be having words. That’s inappropriate, dominating behavior no matter who’s doing it.
He literally did it in front of the world! He knew he was on camera, that the entire country could see him grope and intimidate a young woman who didn’t dare “make it about her” as he grabbed her breast in public.
I got no guilt for slurring the creeper with his hand on an unconsenting woman’s breast. Purple is the traditional color for celebratory vestments, but this turd went with red (to celebrate himself) and the chain is as extra as the super sized cuffs on the shirt. I think his style choices and groping are gross.
I was “that woman” who loudly called out that guy in the middle of our workplace for doing that exact same move, after I had told him in a low voice to get his hands off and away. Guess whose female coworkers shamed them for making a scene? I only wish he had gotten fired - which he did, for harrassing phone…
I, and probably just about every woman I know, have all received a "hug" like that at some point, and I'll say once more for the folks in the back: That's not a hug, my dude.
Expect more stories in the days to come
He is a piece of shit: seconded.
Watching that clip lastnight made me ENRAGED. All women have been there. We've all experienced groping in a public place. We've all tried to ignore it because we didn't want to be "that woman" who called out the dude in front of everybody, ruining the vibe. We have all been there. He's a piece of shit.
That is an ESPECIALLY bad apology after the “Taco Bell” non-joke. WTF
Come on, telling someone their name sounds like a menu item is NEVER acceptable; specifying “a Taco Bell menu item” is racist af whether you’re referring to someone who is latinx or not.
Fuck this guy. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. He knew exactly what he was doing. I get hugged all the time and somehow women’s hands never end up on my breasts(or buttocks), even “accidentally”
You can literally see her pulling against his hand the whole time, clearly trying to create some separation between the two of them. I’m pretty sure he didn’t have any of his male guests in that kind of iron grip.
“Maybe I crossed the border” You don’t say! Seriously, this is a bad apology.
Um...Ariana is not Hispanic so...