
“But go blame the perpetrator.”

Kavanaugh should not be held accountable for Kellyanne Conway having been abused by another man.

Lord Mountbatten’s husband is still a cabin services director. In the article about their wedding, he mentioned that their honeymoon had to be postponed because he was working a flight to Rio de Janeiro right after their wedding.

I don’t even eat cereal and I would 100% start eating cereal if Tiffany Haddish came out with her own brand. 

If a doctor does it, it’s medication.

I know it’s a defense lawyer’s job to presume the best of their client, make sure EVERYONE gets due process, etc. and I do believe in it...but god damn those lawyers of his seem SO amoral.  Like WHITE HOUSE amoral.  

If anyone ever deserved that label, Cosby does. Violence isn’t just about hitting. Giving someone drugs to knock them out without knowing a thing about their medical history is every bit as dangerous as if you punched them unconscious.

He drugged and raped over 60 women, spanning decades. They should put his picture as the definition of sexually violent predator

I like this. Pluto’s official classification should be King of the Dwarf Planets. Better to rule in the Kupier Belt than server in the main orbital plane.

Considering that the article states that much of what they know about Pluto is due to the New Horizons spacecraft, which the Applied Physics Lab built and continues to monitor, and the lab serves as one of the research organizations for NASA and builds a good deal of the spacecrafts that they use to study the solar


One of my friend’s had a professor that was one of the guys key to declassifying Pluto as a planet (can’t remember the name). Anyway, she said he would talk about how he got hate mail from 2nd graders after the declassification happened.

I work for the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, which builds a lot of the satellites NASA launches, including the New Horizons spacecraft mentioned in the article, and I can confirm that everyone at that institution firmly believes that Pluto is a planet. 

Pluto was only downgraded* to avoid designating Eris as a Planet in the first place.

Can't wait for all the videos of Trump supporters lighting their own knees on fire. 

Not to be a Marco Rubio defender, but how is it permissible for an unhinged ragefart like Alex Jones to put hands on a Senator, much less threatening physical violence. Shouldn’t security have bodyslammed Jones at that point?


And this is why you vote, kids.