
I have a feeling this has less to do with “strong convictions on both sides” and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that Nike is one of the NFLs biggest advertisers.

All right, Jezzies, I’m typing live from TX and you can actually help us win this even if you can’t make a donation! It’s the first time in my life I’ve ever volunteered for an election, and I can’t overstate the importance to the entire U.S. of Beto unseating Cruz, who’s helped spearhead some truly nasty stuff on a

This conversation reminds me of the time I reminded an older boy whom I had a crush on that we were caught kissing back in the day. He didn’t remember that either. I stayed thirsty.

Re: Kellyanne and Spouse: I have never seen two people who look more like the Dickensian overlord couple of an abusive boarding school.

“For some reason that I will never fully understand, one of these tapes was Baby Boom, a 1987 romantic comedy cum workplace comedy cum empowerment manifesto that belongs in my all-time top 5: a classic, sandwiched in between 10 Things I Hate About You and Mulan.”

Appropos of little, I just realized that Whoopi Goldberg is the only person I’ve ever seen who looks good without eyebrows.

Stanley Tucci is lovable as hell, so understandable. 

Stanley Tucci is a national treasure, but his fat-shaming character is not. 

This seems like a pretty normal and necessary experiment as a precursor to colonizing space travel.

Hot take: every character in TDWP is insufferable.

I always thought this woman got a raw deal and admired her moxie. The studio sang her praises to the skies when they thought she was 15 years younger, and all that talent didn’t magically dissipate after the reveal. They got exactly what they wanted in productivity, insight, and ratings, so if firing and badmouthing

THIS. I have been out of the know many, many times precisely because everyone else knew I would never keep quiet. Whistleblowers and so-called “intimidating” women are often the last to know.

It’s clear by now that “creating jobs” meant “costly fixes necessitated by our own incompetence.”

Yes, but she’s right about that conditioning. Women all get that from the time they’re young girls. Read about the social cult of the “cool girl” and how her masculine qualities + unflagging sexiness + never interfering with male enjoyments are essential ingredients in this package. Pretty sure there’re some Kinja

No kidding. Which is why so many women are freezing their eggs instead of single momming it—the exact point of this article. My suggestion was to create an additional kind of two-parent structure because 1. It IS healthy and desirable and 2. A huge percentage of men have failed to participate in this.

Exactly. Poly-parenting? 

What if women who wanted kids started matching and entering into civil partnerships with other women who want kids (straight women too?) And joining single mom/civil mom co-ops? I mean . . . don’t we already do this de facto? So many husbands/dads out there only have minimal involvement by his choice. What if we just

After 4 sugar-mama requests and 4 baby-mama requests in a two-year period—all by men I was on a first or second date with—I was officially done. Have been partner-free for two years now and have zero regrets. I finally understand why the life of a nun appealed to so many badass ladies throughout history—and they

This is the most dystopian thing I’ve ever read.