
A friend and I have been talking about doing this!

Meanwhile, these same self-appointed neighborhood watch losers continue to get robbed blind by people they know. If there’s one characteristic that I would appoint to practically all white people is the inability to do proper risk assessment.

Wow! That’s some class on Bynum’s part. Love how she spun that into a campaign ad :-) I would have been so scared! Maybe Bynum should run for the National House in 2020!

just keep this in mind, imap:

This is brilliant idea

I’d say it feels like we’re hurtling headlong towards another world war, but I’m having trouble seeing who’d be on the other side from the fascists.

Also the name makes me think of women who look like this, but unironically

It’s like a name co-workers at the office say with an eyeroll and everyone knows who you mean.

We have a group of women who do this in my town. They are a bunch of single moms who got together, got a house, and watch each others kids while the other one works. They have been doing it for awhile now, and I think it really works for them.

This would be radical and beautiful. Transform the notion of family.

I’m so about alternate family situations.

this needs more stars!

Girlllll. If I didn’t love sex so much I’d consider becoming a nun. Can you masturbate to Jesus? If so, interest is piqued again. Jesus was a good man and probably tall, Arab, and handsome. 

Men get terrified at the prospect that they might be treated like women are or held to the same standards.

Millennials are destroying the natural order of things by attempting to pay off 6 figure student debt and find a home they can afford before supporting children.

If you want a kid more than you want a partner, don’t wait. Single momhood is totally doable but it gets harder as you get older, no mistake. You having a kid around might even sort out good partners for you down the road!

The last date I went on, the dude told me, sincerely and vulnerably, that what he really wants is a secretary who he can fuck. Not a life partner partner. So that was my last date. I’ve taken my online profiles down and am seriously looking into my single mother options. Would love to adopt and have a bio kid. 

Contemporary masculinity is confusing as fuck. A lot of the "stable" values of old are deeply wrapped up in patriarchal shit that some of us are *trying* to navigate/abolish. Sometimes the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater.

why are the men (boys) so scared of everything? like seriously. why are they scared of growing older and committing to one partner? i don’t fucking get it.