Smart people. I hope they can form their own agency so ICE can wither to nothing.
Smart people. I hope they can form their own agency so ICE can wither to nothing.
Of course it was Kushner’s fault.
Do you remember in the early days of the administration when they had to meet in the dark because no-one could find the light switch in the cabinet room? Glad to see that spirit lives on...
According to Melendez, he called the White House switchboard and made it through two call screens before Jared Kushner called him from Air Force One. Kushner transferred the podcast host to the president. Trump spoke to Melendez about a range of topics, including immigration, the North Dakota Senate race, and his…
This may be heresay, but I once dated a woman who went to UPenn and had worked in the admissions office as a student. When we were dating (2008, so before the Trumps were anything other than a tv family), she mentioned that she saw Ivanka’s files and saw that she had an SAT score in the 1000s.
Median SAT score for…
There’s a 100% chance Ivanka never read the report and only put her name on it.
That’s what really gets me. Most of them don’t really care about abortion being “baby killing.” If they truly did, they’d support universal free birth control. A pilot program in Colorado that offered free IUDs led to a HUGE decrease in the abortion rate. Everybody wins - and it’s more economical in the long run.
Meanwhile Jezebel is posting stories trying to get another Democratic civil war going (Cortez/Pelosi cage match! Take that Neo-liberals!). Is that what we fucking need right now??? Stop making it easier for these motherfuckers to win!
I think the correct response is with thoughts and prayers
When I bawled my eyes out on election night and again last night my partner reminded me both times that we live 30 minutes from Canada so I don’t need to start stocking up on Plan B yet. He said on 11-9 and again yesterday that if me or our daughter ever needed an abortion he would drive us to Canada. But that’s not a…
I was just talking about Roe and the recent SCOTUS shenanigans with a coworker this morning. I said, “I guarantee you Roe will be challenged within the next few years.” My coworker didn’t think the Republicans would actually go *that* far and try to strike down Roe.
So what’s the correct reaction when, several years from now, dipshit pro-life women in red states find themselves in Savita Halappanavar’s position, about to leave their first 2 kids without a mother because kid #3 miscarries and will get septic, but she can’t get an abortion because ‘heartbeat’? Because I want to be…
Tell me how these events are not leading to the Handmaid’s Tale dystopia?
So, this is my plan and I think we need to get people on this if Roe falls. It requires taking a big one for the team, and I’m sorry.
Doctors will continue to do abortions. For wealthy white women who have insurance and who can afford to be checked into the hospital for a day or two.
Yeah, that’s a very odd thing for him to say. “She didn’t pitch a fit.” Umm...that’s exactly what she did, on her official Twitter account. Not pitching a fit and handling it well would mean moving the fuck on with her life and only commenting that “yeah, it happened” when/if asked. Or, and here’s a novel idea, not…
“I had a lot of respect for the way Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled it. She didn’t chew ‘em out. She didn’t pitch a fit. She didn’t call ‘em ‘immigrant-loving thugs’ or whatever. She just got up and left and offered to pay.”
Yeah, defending Bill at this point is just the worst kind of party loyalty. He’s clearly a shit person, clearly not politically liberal or progressive in any way other than by comparison to Republicans, but he’s got that (D) by his name so we’ll stand up for him.
Bill Clinton was an absolutely terrible president and really was just 8 more years of Reagan.
That’s true. But I also thought of it as redefining the civil partnership law so that it’s not the “gay marriage law” but is simply a law for anyone who wants a legal partnership arrangement.