
Ummm... this is completely tone-deaf right? She’s trying to get some credit for supporting this woman now when it doesn’t appear she did in 2008? “We deserve to be heard.” She was heard when she spoke up, by you Hillary, and you determined this guy important enough to your campaign to slap him on the wrist and just

1000% percent. If the combination of garment and model were always this stunning, I’d actually be interested in fashion.

Yeah 100% this is some dude

I am definitely a woman, yesirree, you can tell by how often I state that I am a woman, which is something that a woman would do, several times in the same conversation, just to make sure that everyone knows that the opinion being expressed is being expressed by a woman.

Troll in the dungeon

Delete your account, troll.

Wow. What a hateful uninformed comment.

But it would be cussy. Super fuckin cussy. This is important to me.

If it’s the victim’s fault it can’t happen to YOU, right? Because you’d do something different. You’d be smarter. Bless you... I really hope you’re never in this situation.

For what its worth, here in the Twin Cities you can get safely and comfortably tattooed by the dudes at Uptown Tattoo. Some of you have seen my Ruthie the Riveter and my floral sleeve - those were done by Nic at Uptown, and I’ll go to him till his hands fall off. However, the all-lady shop over at Jackalope is

I would *absolutely* wear that midnight blue floor length cap sleeve business. As is. While hanging my bird feeders in the yard. With a pixie cut and purple lipstick. Barefoot. Yaaaas.

When I was 21 I got a tattoo on my chest that was centered between my breasts. As such, I had to lie down without a shirt and or bra. The whole process took 4.5 - 5 hours. It was my first and only tattoo. It wasn’t until I was 32 when I was talking to friend who is covered in tats that she was like, isn’t your tattoo

The little boy in me agrees!

The little girl in me wants to play dress-up in these crazy dresses.

If the hardcore Christian right can mess with people’s choices then why can’t Satanists?

We truly live in the Upside-Down where the Satan worshipers are the de-facto good guys.

I’m struck by the differences of the two female authority figures in this tragedy.

We’ve had commercial airplane travel for a century now. The novelty of flying is long gone, so I think it’s fair to expect the accommodations to be better and more comfortable than they were in the past. Only, it seems like we’ve regressed.

Funny, it’s older farts like me that frequently bemoan the state of air travel because we can remember how much better it used to be before the deregulation era started. Mind you, though the actual flights are much worse than for example my trips to Hawaii on Wardair back in the 80's, it’s the demeaning “security

Never forget that Edmund White LOVES him some trade.