
I think that this time will be different, not because movie studios and corporations and men in general have finally started caring about women’s voices—but they sure do care about our dollars, and for the first time in entertainment history there’s proof that the female consumer is equally if not more powerful than

Nope. Was only ever speaking solely about the desire to start a family from scratch. The vast majority of women at my age are focused on other things—like careers and financial futures—and do not want to sacrifice those things to carry, give birth, and bear the brunt of feeding and raising another child. It’s an

I hate to say this, but Al Franken has always skeeved me out. I keep thinking about an incident from 20 years ago. He was in trouble for saying something fairly foul/damaging (unfortunately I don’t remember exactly what) and when confronted, he immediately hid behind humor. He smirked, “How can comedy be in error?” I

I adore that enough women are finally making enough money to have enough power so that they can start leveraging it for awesome like this. Let’s keep it up, ladies!

Nobody here was operating under that misconception. You appear to have missed the point of the original comment.

Just because I CAN run around after toddlers into my 40s doesn’t mean I want to. Nor do a lot of other women my age. This isn’t the Republic of Gilead.

Lol well, I’ve lived all over and sound like a podcaster. It’s a handy term that stuck somewhere along the way.

Nope. I live in one of the largest and THE most diverse city in the U.S., and do not have a type, religious or otherwise. It’s a bit weird to try and hold me responsible for dozens of men’s actions. You clearly think the common denominator is me—but most of my girlfriends have had the same experience. The common

One of the main reasons I stopped dating is because nearly every guy within a decade of my age asked me if I’d be open to having babies—often as early as the second date, and once on the first. I declined, and gravely pointed out that they’d need to look for women in their mid/late twenties, early thirties. Every

Dying over here.

Proposed questions for writers/directors who routinely write about the rape of female characters “because it’s realistic”:

But people have. A LOT of people have. Most of them happen to be women. There was a similar comment upthread that said “no one” had done something, and someone else had to point out that in fact, quite a few women had already done this. And that is the crux of the matter: Women are viewed as No One.

I mean . . . maybe your scenario is exactly what’s happening here. #rand/donnie

Even after all that, abusers keep abusing in any way they can. So if you have children with them, they will continue to bankrupt you in family court again and again until the kids are of age, and afterwards they will continue to try to alienate any children from you. If they’re violent, they try to kill you. 90% of

I thought the same until very recently. TLDR: My ex is an abusive sociopath who has a true gift for psychological manipulation (even beyond what sociopaths normally do.) And to this day, if you met him and either didn’t know me or had never observed his home behavior, you would be 100% convinced this is a poor sweet

“a curious high school student, looking to generate material for a book the government has disclosed she is now shopping to publishers,” and that she sought “somehow to influence the US presidential election, in addition to securing personal profit.”

It’s called money talks. You think it was an accident he was assigned to Turner’s case? I’m positing there’s quite a circle of hopeful and current athletes and their families/agents who have his “ear.” Sports is big business.


Like realizing you just mansplained my own points back to me?

I stand corrected. However, given how closely linked the U.K. and U.S. have historically been, particularly regarding the African slave trade, and the fact that she’s probably spent a fair amount of time in both places, she’s clearly speaking from specific cultural experiences.