
I’m trying to refocus the discussion back on the more important issue. Wasn’t that your suggestion?

I hear what you’re saying but 1. She IS speaking specifically about the racism of white people in the U.S., whose primary target has been black people. It’s logically improper to suggest she should have attempted to speak for all people everywhere in that context. 2. I’m having a hard time taking your points about

Yes, offense and focusing on offense does cause derailment, which is hugely unfortunate. What do you think about her statements regarding privilege being inextricable from violence?

I believe the “yes all white people” is referring to the systematic privilege that benefits all white people, and the violence that upholds it can thus be attributed—even indirectly—to all white people. In the same way that #notallmen is wrong, it’s wrong to claim #notallwhitepeople here. However, her initial wording

Thanks and yw. I mean.....full disclosure, I have lost jobs too because of a similar communication style. It took me years to realize that my former employers weren’t exactly gutless, and that I hadn’t always communicated exactly what I thought I had.

I feel for her, because she is clearly not politically correct—which in this context is a compliment—but the downfall of telling the unvarnished truth is a lack of diplomacy. Diplomacy exists for the sole reason of getting disagreeable people to agree on things. Brand ambassadors are named that for a reason. And in

Well....speaking as a single mom almost in her 40s, sex still isn’t difficult to come by. But when you’re this swamped, it just doesn’t seem worth the effort anymore. The grooming and preening and housecleaning and childcare arranging and navigating awkward moments—hard pass. Then there’s the whole needy man

There ARE a metric shit-ton of goats here, incidentally.

The problem is that Repubs do passionately believe all abortion is murder without understanding how abortion rates are tied directly to their own sociopathic policies.

Since you replied to MY comments and called them bullshit, and from the start I maintained the governor was an idiot and never even brought up the feds, nothing you’re now saying makes any sense. Your train of thought jumped the rails long ago. But your thirst to be “right” will keep this going no matter how many

Houston went blue in the last election, and you can gtfo with your sociopathic snark.

You simply have no idea what you’re talking about. Even a half-ass review of my post history shows how ridiculous your assumption is. And these aren’t “republican talking points”—Houston went blue in the last election, twit, and our (excellent) mayor is a Dem. But by all means, please continue being a garbage person

1. Osteen and his church have become almost universally despised here in Houston overnight, because

Ugh, first Harvey and then the people of TX have to deal with this walking shitshow duo? STAY AWAY.

Thank you for taking the time to explicitly share your thoughts. So it’s becoming obvious that the widespread evacuation recommendations and orders haven’t received national attention in the same way certain other bits of news has. The local officials (barring a couple on the coast) DID tell LOTS people to evacuate,

EVERYONE: The mayor of Houston put out a call late last night for residents with boats to help in rescue efforts. Several people I personally know throughout the city are trapped alone in their upper floor or on their roofs, which means there’s thousands more. Just got notice that I-45 just south of here is now

lmao! you basic partisan. I’m not a Trump supporter by a long shot. You have to be informed to tell it like it is, pumpkin.

hahahahaha, “the truth is”?? The truth is I’ve weathered eight hurricanes, volunteered for years at nursing homes, have participated in disaster relief efforts several times including hosting evacuees in my home, and actually fucking live at ground zero where this is all happening right now. And everyone knows the TX

They absolutely did. Why are you assuming they didn’t? The POS GOP governor calling for mass evacuation in Houston actually made efforts WORSE, which is why our Democratic mayor told him to shut the hell up. See replies to previous comments.

Please see my previous replies to other commenters, but thank you for the honest question rather than jumping to conclusions. The answer to your question is: probably, and also the evacuation efforts on the part of hospitals and the like actually went really well compared to previous hurricanes. The nursing home pic