
That is not REMOTELY what they said or did—see previous replies to all the ill-informed contempt on this thread. I’m honestly ashamed of ya’ll.

See previous comment acknowledging the pics are from 2012 and stressing the importance of reading the OP, genius.

Approximately 15 residents were rescued. The average nursing home capacity is much higher. It’s very likely that these people either had no family or the owners were unable to place them with other facilities in time (which can take much longer than 2-3 days,) and stayed with the residents to make sure they survived.

Of course they’re from Hurricane Rita—that’s the point. You clearly did not read the OP in the link. Last time a sudden mass evacuation was ordered, hundreds of people died because that’s what happens when you try to do a sudden mass evacuation. This is a MASSIVE city with millions of people. The mayor made exactly

What’s truly baffling about TX is that this state contains some of the most truly awesome, helpful, egalitarian people I’ve ever met anywhere (and plenty of racist dirtbags too, but genuinely speaking there seem to be fewer than I’ve encountered in other states.) Apparently none of them are in the government though. U

Amen. This whole article and the first comments show their (relatively young) age. Absolutely no snark intended. It’s just not a super-accurate picture of the last few decades of fashion.

Honestly this is why I have loads of cotton underwear. I go through three pair a day in the summer sometimes. Worth it.

The anachronistic appearance and wardrobe of all the characters became truly distracting, to the point where the storylines stopped making sense because it just looked like a modern town and here they are talking about orphan trains. Deeply weird.

Unsurprising as Idaho is essentially the Alabama of the northwest. SO MANY new-nazi groups—like you probably couldn’t throw a stick in a crowd.

hahahahahahahahahahaha i hope he stops seeing purple

Yes—but not my OP on this site. Just the link to the GoFundMe page and anything you may want to say yourself. His lawyer has been all over this since I put it up, and I’ve been forced to rewrite it several times. I can’t give specifics thanks to legal threats—but it’s pretty bad.

Fellow Jezzies, I need your help. Am enduring round three of family court with an abusive ex, who has jeopardized our children’s lives over and over. Each time I get us back up on our feet, it bankrupts me again. I cannot adequately convey the devastating effect this has had on my children and me, financially and

I usually eye roll at stories of privilege doing stupid stuff, but I love everything about this.

Same here. I regret not defying my now estranged parents and crashing the prom in some wackadoo dress, though.

I PREFER non-white doctors. Every one I’ve ever had either graduated from a better (read: foreign) med school, or had to work a jillion times harder to get where they’re at (in this US of A.) These idiots demanding white docs at any cost are welcome to their subpar care.

THIS forever.

What BettyCrockerPunkRocker said, and also: if a person is speaking in a truly scientific context (not junk science), and is using both “male/female,” it’s fine. But calling women “females” in general, or when you see the classic “men/females,” combination—Nope.

This needs about a billion more stars.