
This is worrying, but before we panic too hard—this same bill has been introduced every year to congress for the past 20 years.

Yep. Have been planning on attending for months. Son came down with a medium-high fever yesterday. Fuuuuuuck. (Kid’s feeling better this evening; love that little guy.) My daughter and I consoled ourselves with pink pancakes and watching the marches livestream for five hours. But I still cried when they weren’t

No way! This is NINJA level trolling. She goes ahead and makes them the fake, plagiarized cake they wanted, thereby ensuring that they’ll be caught out, and then donates all the money they gave her to causes which Trump hates, and gleefully tells him to fuck off through the press?! I’d like to buy her a drink or

I must gently correct one part of your statement, that this kind of abuse doesn’t happen to boys very often. Unfortunately, it does. And I do know a man with that background who has DID.

lmao, thank you for both the genuine sympathy, and abandoning with such casual aplomb a metaphor that wasn’t working. i needed a good laugh and a hug this morning.

Not sure where you got the idea that MPD (now known as DID) is debunked—but as someone whose seen at least two undiagnosed cases of it, it’s fucking real, and terrifying. Most of those who have it don’t use alternate voices or names. But the shifts are observably extreme, the memory gaps, everything . . . and so, so

I suggest that we start placing the bodies of murdered women and children on the literal doorsteps of the lawmakers responsible. Completely serious.

I agree with you.

I’m hella white, live in TX, and I call Epic Bullshit on anyone claiming this woman was simply ignorant. NOBODY around here is ignorant that fried chicken and watermelon is a racist trope—or else how could they have been her automatic go-tos for MLK day?? The logic doesn’t flow. And her apology and subsequent

A thousand times This.

Thank you for clarifying this. As a black sheep from red country, I find myself caught somewhere in the no-man’s-land between both camps: often taking “pro-lifers” to task because they’re NOT pro-life, they’re just pro-birth and all their egregious social policies reflect this. And I feel that lot of abortions happen

It can be both.

Editor here: the latter. About 30% of writers plagiarize to varying degrees. The ones who do so blatantly tend to be serial plagiarists. There’s various softwares and databases set up to catch them, but the sheer volume of published works makes those pretty hit-or-miss. The most effective method is still the human one

No, she needs to be kept in solitary without a functioning toilet for the rest of her life.

I was reasearching the recent Cures Act, as I work for a major pediatric society that’s deeply conflicted about it passing; while they’re thrilled about increased money for medical research, they’re incredibly worried about the decreased safety parameters for pharmecuetical companies. Specifically, the FDA will no

I like a LOT of weird, quirky, even off-putting films. And the best thing I can say about this movie is that it’s two hours of my life I’m never getting back.

I like a LOT of weird, quirky, even off-putting films. And the best thing I can say about this movie is that it’s

Nothing, not even a house/car/baby/cross-country move—until I took my first trip by myself, making all the arrangements myself, and bought the airline ticket, motel, rental car. It was empowering like nothing else, for some reason.

I’ve come to the conclusion over the last few weeks that American women need to organize a legitimate, hard-core sex strike.

Excellent parsing of the libertarian mind.

On a dating site, one dude’s opening line to me was “You are a total Barb.” I genuinely had no clue how to respond.