
This sounds like the beginning of a horror film.

Treating Autism as thought it were some kind of defamatory accusation is truly disgusting. What a horrible, terrible person. That poor kid.

Thank you....but honestly? It’s been harrowing. So many old friends and acquaintances have shown their true colors through rhetoric and by straight-up escalating verbal accusations or attacks. No matter how calm, respectful, or factually supported my arguments, they’ve just gotten nastier. Some of them aren’t that

My boyfriend stood staunchly by the same opinion yesterday. He’s my ex-boyfriend today.

legit lmao


True, but not turning up to vote is the same as saying you’re cool with a Trump presidency.

AMEN. I broke it off with the guy I was seeing. No regrets.

added to cart

SFU is the same show that ended my completist ways, as well. God, what a slog after season 2.

Hate to be the wet blanket on everyone’s tsk tsking of this woman’s parenting (I have two myself and an eldest who never seemed to need sleep,) but what this woman is describing is not normal spoiled-kid behavior. It sounds concerningly close to what I’ve read about sleep behavior in children who were later diagnosed

The logical explanation is that on the hill, Sanchez is a known lush who notoriously gives most of her speeches while heavily under the influence, and is an equal-opportunity groper in crowded elevators/bars.

Wut the actual fuck.

Thank you for writing this. I can’t help wondering how different the comments section would look if the byline was a woman’s name.

Plus, how many female-character cosplay options are there that aren’t overtly sexy? Like a handful or two?

I agree, and let’s take this to its logical conclusion.

No bet. I don’t want to lose my money.


Follow-up headline: NO SHIT.