
Sigh. No, I do not think any such thing. Nowhere have I conflated the two. I am simply positing how certain people may immediately perceive the matter, that it’s not necessarily religious hypocrisy, but rather fatigue based on the fact that herds of teens are already difficult enough to mop up after, even when they’re

I’m not saying they will. But I am telling you how administration and municipal employees will see it. I know quite a few of them. They don’t give two shits about what kids believe which, but they care an awful lot about their jobs getting harder.

From the church of satan’s website: “Satanists are atheists. We see the universe as being indifferent to us, and so all morals and values are subjective human constructions. Our position is to be self-centered, with ourselves being the most important person (the “God”) of our subjective universe, so we are sometimes

Yeah . . . thing is, if a club’s mores are founded on rebellion and acting on one’s every feeling, I don’t think ANY school official/employee, no matter how liberal-minded, is going to be super excited about an adolescent group of them meeting after hours on school property. Substitute anarchists or taggers or parkour

That’s some super villain shit right there.

That's three for three.....very interesting.

Oooh read my post!! I do the same, am ALSO allergic to nickel, and have excess myelin sheathing (nerve insulation.)

Me too! My grandmother also kills battery watches. I’ve since discovered the same effect on anything battery-powered with a metal casing (after zapping a couple people’s cell phones, because apparently metal cases were a thing for a while.) But if there’s a plastic barrier, everything’s fine. Two points of interest: I

Honestly, she’s a good storyteller with less skill and a madhat-ful of personal issues that she keeps inserting into her characters, and was also born into a fairly oppressive religious culture. I say, kudos to her. Girl made good. I hope she’s taking ladies-only vacations in Europe and Cabo and flirting with

Classic blameshifting. “It wasn’t me, it was, uh, that foreign guy.”

The horrifyingly banal explanation to this puzzling question, at least in SoCal, is that most of the coastal cities have flatly refused to build desalination plants (which are much less expensive and also more effective now than they were 15 years ago) because—and I am not kidding—they’re “ugly.”

I unabashedly like Mad World. But it’s on my “happy” playlist—it’s never produced sadness in me, probably because maudlin things make me contrary.

This is just appalling, since access to birth control in Russia is already so limited that subsidized abortion has become the only readily available method. It’s not uncommon for a Russian woman to have 6, 10, 14 abortions in her lifetime.…

good point. I blame alcohol.

I’d like to see “hys” added as a possessive pronoun for nonbinaries. “Their”is used as a stand-in, but it’s technically plural and confusing. (Other forms include hy and hym.)

It’s also possible that the passenger sister saw what was coming and was trying to turn the wheel, stop her sister from killing them both, etc.

Exactly my thoughts.

The chilling, paradoxical reason that self-described “nice guys” definitely AREN’T is that they give themselves that name because they quite literally view their outward behavior as a job/reward choice. Be nice. Get sex for payment. Any woman who doesn’t put out after their focused “niceness” is literally denying them

Yeah . . . so the thing is many of these people wish they’d gotten a dog instead. Rabid cries of “HELL NO THEY’RE NOT THE SAME” is a decent indicator of silent white-knuckling.

They’re the new way to visually communicate you’re not as committed a mom.