
My parenting drastically improved along with all of our moods when I started ignoring the shit out of everyone and doing what felt right for my kids. Which in my case meant near-zero spanking (only when they deliberately did something dangerous), nightly formula supplements, and different sleep routines per kid but

Agreed. There is a HUGE difference between opioids used for recovery and those used for chronic pain. Most chronic pain sufferers would be helpless or dead without them, and those are the people I worry about in regards to the new legislation efforts—one of the foremost aims of which has openly been to drive up prices

who does that. to their hair. on purpose.

Yeah but again, 3-year-olds are constantly talking about doing weird shit on an hourly basis—sometimes minute by minute. “I’m going to fly to the moon now!” “I’m going to run away and meet the president!” “Let’s go jump in the garbage truck!” At some point after the thousandth explanation, most parents resort to

I avoid celebrity culture like the plague, so when I watched it, I didn’t recognize Levine at all. I kept thinking, “Wow, that guy plays a really good oblivious douchetalenti.” Then I realized who he was and it all made sense.

The fact that she has just enough books to treat them as a merely decorative element is cute. #notreally #librarybroadsunite

Here’s the thing; especially given how often this kind of thing is shuffled off or the girl gets blamed, and given the fact that they’re both underage, plus the amount of paperwork involved in an arrest and arraignment—you can bet money that the cops have pretty compelling evidence his involvement was more insidious

That doesn’t mean his behavior wasn’t predatory or coercive. And how exactly did “word get out” if it wasn’t through him?

legitimately lmao.

And Jupiter Ascending. Never laughed so hard. Did Eddie Redmayne owe someone money?

100% beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt is for white people.

I’m a super frugal person, and honestly I think this is a great choice for them. It’s not like their social obligations are going to end—if anything, they’ll increase now that he’s not actively running the country. This house in this neighborhood makes complete sense.

Ding ding ding! You win that bet:

Not that night, since I had zero intention of returning to that go-go hell, but let’s just say it has since proved useful.

On what was one of the worst days (lost two jobs in three weeks) during the worst times (dad fighting cancer), a friend invited me out to dinner and a club. I don’t go to clubs since The Ghosts of Mr. Rogers’ Sweaters basically inhabit my soul. I was feeling reckless, so I threw on jeans and a blouse and some flats,

I always put my hands up in the air when the film coaster goes down the first drop, and now my kids do, too. RIP, sir.

My money’s on this.

Si, si. One word: Projection.

I’m just . . . really relieved that I do not know this person.

She is literally my least favorite part of AoS. But then, much as I love his writing and characterization of women, Joss Whedon and I do not share similar tastes in leading ladies, so this is par for the course for me.