
Perverts who can’t acknowledge to themselves that they’re perverts.

Please don’t do it unless you’re hurting, because I’ll bet you’re gorgeous! Some people feel lustful when they look at breasts, and that makes them uncomfortable, so rather than admit their feelings, they transfer those feelings and blame the object of their lust. In reality, your boobs are amazing and you get to

When I nursed my kids, my boobs went fucking nuclear. I got honked at by truckers on my daily walks (true story.) The most embarrassing/hilarious thing was that my nipples were in a state of constant prominence. Like, through every nursing bra and blouse. Made talking to men at my church incomparably awkward and

OMG genius. Stealing.

LMAO wut the actual.


THIS. Some other commenters seem to feel this article is a humblebrag, or the “jealousy” comments are unfair, but I feel her story so hard. This and many, many other similar situations have happened to me. I have DDDs and I love them—not complaining here. Had to start wearing a bra in 4th grade, which sucked, but I

No, it doesn’t match, but on pale types it disappears under light clothing and costumes because the tone is the same, if not the shade. (Speaking as a whitey who’s been buying pale pink t-shirt bras for years.)

Is it possible the “recent divorce” was maybe partially the result of keeping a fucking BISON in the house?

Nope, not remotely offended. I’ve studied cults and how they work; I was raised in one. I understand the vulnerability and manipulation aspect, and subsets, etc. What I guess I’m not conveying well enough is, even for all that, this one particular writing sample reads so much like a Southpark-style parody, it’s an

If no-one has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body, then no-one has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body.

I’m quite familiar with how people fall for cults and charismatic leaders, and yes it’s been something that’s happening for eons—that’s not what I’m incredulous at. As flimsy and suspicious as cult rhetoric always is, this particular writing sample is so outlandishly obvious that it is indeed baffling that anyone is

Sure, but again . . they have an 800-year head start. So if you look at how long it took them to apologize . . . just sayin’.

But it is rather like having Grandpa sanctimoniously tsk tsk you for getting arrested after spending 40 years in prison at one point himself. Historically speaking.

Ok, this is so not the point, and I’m sorry, but can’t find anywhere else to post about how TERRIFYING KStew looks as a blonde. She is legit freaking me out.

His films all seem to be narrow. Flat. Small.

Imma pull an emporer’s-naked here, but for all he’s quite charming and a wonderful actor—good ol’ Tom has never really been someone who projects a you-need-to-see-my-butt-it’s-really-quite-fabulous vibe. I think he’s a lovely person, but . . . him?

Voldemort priest.

This is a pre-Pinterest question. I remember back when.

This reads like the drunken, misguidedly earnest result of a “craziest pickup lines” open forum contest.