I am moderately nonplussed to report that I have never heard of these people, nor do I plan to, now.
I am moderately nonplussed to report that I have never heard of these people, nor do I plan to, now.
Plus she’s apparently really super fucking nice, and respectful and attentive to everyone working on the movie, even the extras. A friend of mine was a scene filler in The Boss and confirmed that she’s just a lovely person. On top of her enormous talent, it makes sense that everyone want to keep working with her.
Pre-Raphaelites make Danielle Steel look like Ernest Hemingway
Nah. People are complex, fickle, and do crazy shit all the time. If her whole network believed her, that could just mean they’ve got reason to trust her, or are super supportive. Good job! (Although maybe not so much NOW.)
Plus, the phrase itself carries a connotation of “normal” vs. “otherness.” As in, “racism” happens to other, separate races. “Reverse racism” is what happens to standard, normal white people, like it is literally an entirely different kind of racism. God, even their outrage is elitist.
I find it unbelievably stupid that a production attempting to accurately portray an era of slavery and wishing to avoid blackface is in trouble for their efforts to do so.
All I can think of any time someone references that scene is how I do not want ANYONE fucking touching me while I’m on the wheel, throwing my balance off and ruining the piece I’ve been slaving over.
The logic here is sooo missing the real problem. Are there predatory straight men who might take advantage and pretend to be trans so they can molest someone in the women’s room, or much more likely, to gain access to a bathroom so they can place cameras in there? Possibly. So is it fair to tell someone who identifies…
Arizona is a good place for something like this.
Needs more stars.
Yep. All that is true. Just like Russell is also horrible to JLaw. And for some reason O’Hara continued to star in his movies and spoke comparatively well of him. It’s a similar dynamic.
THIS. (Having been both the dainty flower and the chill girl in different settings.)
Being able to be tough on the outside is both an inborn gift and an acquired skill; however it does NOT equate fearlessness or a lack of sensitivity. Lawrence simply knows how not to give ground—doesn’t mean she doesn’t get wounded or frightened. She knows how to practically survive a tough situation, keep a poker…
This reminds me of the relationship between Maureen O’Hara and John Ford. He was HORRIBLE to his cast and techs. But he and M.O. really got along. For some reason he just didn’t rattle her cage as much. And although I’ve experienced that myself, the way someone treats other people is extremely concerning and it does…
Is there anything Madame Hillary could have said that MORE encapsulates 1% white privilege? o_o
I am so happy to hear you’re rebuilding, and agree with you on several points, with the caveat that my upbringing led me straight into a similarly abusive marriage, and I didn’t get out of both until I was 30. Took another five years to break completely free and sever remaining toxic family relationships. It dominated…
Legit made me lol.
Thanks. It’s definitely a process. Funnily enough, when I started reading the bible for myself, the more I came to see that their version of God in no way resembled their primary source. I finally realized that actually, God thinks I’m pretty cool as-is, and jettisoned everything and everyone who thought otherwise.…
Emotional abusers they certainly are; but spiritual abuse is a real, separate thing, with its own techniques and end goals, and tends to be specific to cults and religious groups (along with collaboration by entrenched parents, spouses, etc)—including “reformed” churches like Driscoll’s. Speaking as a survivor of both…