
This is why I've never particularly cared whether Leo won an Oscar.

Spiritual predators like Driscoll prey on the desires of good people to do good, and enable fellow opportunists to weasel their way into positions of control in a tidy, morally-approved hierarchy. That audience is filled with lots of hardcore type-As, hardcore type-bs, abuse survivors, people with poor boundaries,

Amen. Ahem.

It’s much easier to watch if you think of it as a nod toward the existence of Gaiman’s iteration of Lucifer. On that level it’s lots of fun. If I’d been expecting a remotely faithful iteration of Gaiman’s character, though, I’d be bleeding out the eyeballs.

Best rejoinder I’ve read in a long time.

Everything about this comment is so exceedingly ignorant, I don’t know where to start. The concept of white privilege is that many whites NEVER encounter these issues personally, because by virtue of their light skin, they get an automatic pass. And your comment is a perfect example of this. I’m guessing that you move

My dad’s an ex-cop, so I grew up knowing quite a few officers, and I attended a four-year high school program for people who wanted to work in the criminal justice system, so I watched many future cops grow up. You’re not wrong in that about every third or fourth officer is varying degrees of asshole; however,

Hmm. Wonder how Sony is now going to view the potential loss of some of their top artists come contract renewal time . . .

Please see my comment above, but the gist of it is that, me too, and a serious hormonal imbalance—too much estrogen—can cause all those symptoms, plus depression when on the pill. I’m currently starting raw liver pills as a balancing treatment and the preliminary results have been pretty good.

I had utterly debilitating “first days” of all my periods every month from age 13-21—paralyzing cramps, vomiting from the pain, etc. They basically stopped being brutal when I started having regular sex (also I had gone on the pill shortly before.) Thing is, the pill also made me suicidal, fucked with my sleep cycle,

Sigh. No flooding and crashing. Got it. Still feels like a denial, though.

Great idea and exactly what I’ve been talking about needing—but it’s only in two cities, with “more to follow”? Boooo. How hard is it to build an app that allows people to simply input their zip codes? (Unless they’re waiting for marketing to work its magic, so more users show up by city—which would be fair enough.

“The champions will be rewarded $10,000 and have their “scrotums 3D scanned and turned into items of home décor.”

Super. GROSS.

Hmm......links? More info, please.

Hmm, I have the opposite problem, being tall and plus sized—but I do know that I had a MUCH easier time finding good, cute maternity clothes at department stores like JC Penney than at Target or similar. And my very favorite place to purchase was Ebay—got some great stuff there.

Always nice to get confirmation from a pro when one is simply speculating wildly. :)

“Was this the sort of bullshit that plus-size, extra short or tall women always had to endure?”

What’s tragic about Andrea Yates is that, coupled with the depression, she had a sever vitamin K deficiency, the symptoms of which mirror schizophrenia. They put her on a nutrition regimen shortly after her incarceration, and 6 months later, she “woke up” and fully realized what had happened. They had to put her on

Best title reappropriation EVER. All the fist bumps.