
Hmm......links? More info, please.

Hmm, I have the opposite problem, being tall and plus sized—but I do know that I had a MUCH easier time finding good, cute maternity clothes at department stores like JC Penney than at Target or similar. And my very favorite place to purchase was Ebay—got some great stuff there.


Always nice to get confirmation from a pro when one is simply speculating wildly. :)

“Was this the sort of bullshit that plus-size, extra short or tall women always had to endure?”

What’s tragic about Andrea Yates is that, coupled with the depression, she had a sever vitamin K deficiency, the symptoms of which mirror schizophrenia. They put her on a nutrition regimen shortly after her incarceration, and 6 months later, she “woke up” and fully realized what had happened. They had to put her on

Best title reappropriation EVER. All the fist bumps.

The fact that it’s all different carriers, but consistently the same address, makes me suspect code shenanigans a la mapmakers and “paper towns” (no, not the movie, sit the hell down.) I’m willing to bet money that there is sample code that’s been built off of in a widespread way with a bug or even just a default

How is this not buying a nation’s silence? A plague on both your houses.

the rewrite is wrong on every level and i adore it

this seems like you could accidentally suffocate someone without knowing, until after completion and unwitting necrophilia.

The collar on that tux makes it look like his head is poorly photoshopped onto his body IRL.

So the thing is . . . Scientology teaches that their high-level members are really the ONLY people who can actually help in an accident or emergency. Cruise is literally responding like a supernatural paramedic. Because he thinks he is one.

This makes me angry. Like, really truly angry. Idiocracy has arrived.

Preach it.

everything about this delights me

so he was already rich enough to force people to pay attention to him? because this stuff is total shit.

i want to read these. got a link?

your user name makes me viciously happy
