
That is amazing and perfect and I envy your childhood! What a fantastic dad.

I love this story. Your mom and I have the same style.

I want to give you a big hug.

All of this is literally the OPPOSITE of what Jesus did during his time on earth. Like, he’d be busting temple doors down and whipping ass for sure.

So, I don’t normally ascribe to defunct 19th-century pseudo-sciences like physiognomy BUT . . . this dude is shaped wrong. Like, really oddly.

Whenever a guy tries to pull the “smile!” shit, I immediately give him my best Calvin-and-Hobbes Picture Day smile.

Fuck this politician in particular.

I’m gonna have to start listening to her music, because damn, this woman is smart and fierce and unapologetic.

Here’s the thing: toxic people are going to be toxic UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE. They’re not just mean. And they don’t change.

Actually it sounds like she attends a reformed-theology church. Literally everything she said are lines repeated so often as part of reformed church culture, they become panacean catchphrases—or even club membership passwords, i.e. “I’m the right kind of Christian.” She needn’t have cracked a Bible remotely lately.

Sold mine to fund my divorce.

Ok. Can I just say, as a born-again Christian, that this woman has one of the most punchable faces in history? Can I also just say that, since the federal government instituted post-civil war tax incentives for married couples, state governments have been ILLEGALLY discriminating against gay people getting married for

Oooooo, this I did not know! Thanks for the historical tip! Off to do some reading :)

Honestly I can’t deal with any animal that’s kept in a cage smaller than its natural habitat . . . so basically all zoos. Pets, too. We don’t do birds or hamsters, or generally fish. Dogs/cats are proportionate to the size of the house/yard, plus time for care (we haven’t had them often.) I’m not judging people who

THIS. Women couldn’t vote, inherit property, pursue non-prescript education, or earn their own money? All that husband-hunting takes on a whole new serious and desperate aura, and you begin sympathizing with Mrs. Bennet. Austen was basically making light of her own lightly-gilded cage in order to gain a small measure

I feel like we need separate reviews/comment threads exclusively devoted to this series—1900, Manor, Frontier, all of it. So much ridiculous. Many feelings.

I loved that show and it cracked me up so much that the mom bullied everyone into living “her dream” with her, and then just utterly broke after three days. Complete, shrieking, crying mental meltdown. I was like, “Bitch? Did you never crack a history book?!”

I’ve experienced this too, and I think it’s a combo of two things: 1) These particular married guys have secured their status with fellow bros by having an observably thin wife, and now feel free to follow their attractions regardless of cultural acceptability, AND 2) The kind of dirtbags who cheat are already looking

Well, your dick can only glare back at you with one eye, so.

Yes. Becase when men don’t smile, it’s just the way their damn face looks. Women? Let’s slap a bitch label on that bitch, because how dare she not smile? Bitch.