
I can’t stand Hillary Clinton, but she’s not wrong here: a lack of focus and explicit demands is exactly what stalled and then undercut Occupy Wallstreet. (Several friends of mine work in politics and all were aggravated by this very problem, especially those who supported OW.) The focus and message must be explicit.

Had this exact experience. Mo’ money, mo’ time, mo’ problems. Ugh why

you could take the money you’re spending for a wedding and get an enormous fuck-you tattoo and send pics to all the haters as a marriage announcement

plus didn’t legalized (gov’t-tracked) marriage partially come about as a way of holding men accountable and legally protecting women in a society that otherwise they had zero power in? plus the whole lineage thing, because $$$. (don’t get me wrong, i think staunchly patronymic name-changes are bullshit, but there’s a

shut them up by giving them each a five or ten dollar gift card to burger king or some such and tell them to hit it between the ceremony and reception. Seriously. small price to pay for their silence. and it’s incredibly thoughtful, so they can’t give you shit about it later without looking bad themselves.

holy tacos, eject these biddies from your life pronto. can you move?

Can’t count the number of times people asked me about a particular part of my wedding plan, and after hearing the answer, smiled and said, “You know what you SHOULD have done . . .” and then describe some totally thematically different set-up they saw at another hitchin’, often financially infeasible, and then smile

I feel you. First VB was 9.3, second was 10.9 . Natural with the first, epidural with the second because sweet fancy moses, never again. I have found this article enormously enlightening. Time to create a New Vagina money jar.

Because it’s a transference of ownership, pure and simple. Same reason dowries exist. “This thing had my name on it, but now it is yours, so put your name on it.”

Some things are just . . . I’m generally pro-life, and I would’ve driven that girl to the nearest abortion clinic in a hot second.

Supremely excellent interview recap. XD

Yeah . . . and then sometimes they strategically don’t.

I’ve known a few cops over the years in various states aaaaaand . . . this happens more often than you’d think. There’s all kinds of “accidental” deaths that don’t even make it into a courtroom.

I fully agree with the last paragraph of what you’re saying. But long-term, whether it’s fair or not—and it’s often REALLY not—psychology is pretty firmly on the side of forgiveness for emotional and mental health. It is of course everyone’s personal right and choice whether they do so— and if Ms. Fulton wants to burn

I absolutely do respect it. She is on her own timeframe. Her son’s murderer does not deserve forgiveness. But as for “fuck forgiveness”—that’s an understandable response, but ultimately she deserves a chance to heal, whenever she decides that’s a possibility for herself. I believe forgiveness as a concept has been

Forgiveness is not for the wronger, but for the wronged. She deserves to feel better. He deserves to rot.

Yes you are right (starred it). . . and yet the wealthy, privileged members of our government no longer represent America either. Everything is shinier inside the bubble (and whiter).

I cry too. I am anguished by the right and natural fear you feel as a response to these murders. I wish I could make it go away by removing the cause.

Seriously, there is a huge difference between salvageable and unsalvageable finishes. I paint old pieces all the time—after determining whether they’ve lost most of their inherent value. Anything that CAN be preserved, SHOULD be preserved.

This always bothers me tremendously. I tend to view fellow Christians who are sport-hunting, meat-for-every-meal, climate change deniers as basically illiterate. God gave us the earth to care for, damn it.