
7:20 AM here. I remember being exhausted and nauseated every morning for 4 years. And most of the day was a waste—unchallenging, very much like prison. I graduated in the top ten of my class and still had to keep myself from dropping out by sheer willpower.

Well shoot. Epic fail. I had read an early report last night that he was black. Didn’t think to fact-check that one. :/

Yeah they should keep him in the documentary but every mention of his name should be “Serial Rapist Bill Cosby.”

I wonder how much of the worsening sexism has to do with the prevalence of plastic surgery—actresses are now expected not only to never age at all, but to remain visibly nubile. And then there’s the advances in nudity-sans-shaming; male directors and execs seem to have taken this good thing and predictably run shitty

Let me first say that #blacklivesmatter, and I condemn the recent negligent homicides of African American arrestees by the police in the strongest possible terms.

I appreciate the additional info. Let me ask you a question: when determining whether or not a treatment “works” sufficiently to be distributed, what’s the total percentage cutoff? Does it need to work in 98% of the mice? 80%? 60%? Is there any chance that the cutoff percentage ever takes into account the total number

You know, I wasn’t buuuuuuut . . . after reading up online, I think I may be guilty of repeating a local legend. Seems the folks who own the church were unaware of the chicken resemblance until recently. Because they’re blind, maybe.

that looks like marlene dietrich

No seriously—it was intentional. That church is in my town. Some rich old lady donated a crap-ton of money for the expansion/renovation of the church, and she fucking loooooooved chickens—so the architect did this as a tribute. They’ve got a pamphlet about it in their foyer.

Yeah, I suspect this definitely carries over socially and professionally. I am a tall, well-spoken, direct woman, and I have actually been yelled at several times over the years by various men during our first meeting—always in their place of business, always during a conversation during which I had questions or

Yeah if she’s not what Eve looked like in the garden, then God done messed up

Yeah . . . I hear you from an ease of experimentation angle. Fun thing about hormones though—females have them, and they do change data, which means they will also change symptoms list and diagnoses. It’s awesome knowing that medicine for one’s gender is still in the dark ages because it’s just easier for researchers

a study based on 2002 data observed that the divorce risk for people who married in their thirties was flattening out, rather than continuing to decline through that decade of life as it previously had.”

Ugh, I love when people partially read history (or partially parrot it.) That yahoo is talking about indentured servitude—the precursor to slavery in America. If you couldn’t afford ship’s passage, you could temporarily “sell” yourself to a rich passenger; they’d pay for your ticket over, and in return you’d work for

spray adhesive

Actually I kinda want to see this the other way around. rawr

If Tatiana Maslany doesn’t win, there is no justice in the world.

I have so many mixed feelings about Oath Keepers. They kinda seem like the character in a movie who’s the raggedy, infamously eccentric, wild-eyed, over-prepared conspiracy theorist who when serious cataclysmic shit goes down turns out to be absofuckinglutely right and saves everyone’s bacon—but in any other

Other than the immuno-compromised, I think vaccine exemptions should be granted to people after one pesky little requirement: they volunteer to work for three weeks in a second- or third-world country during an epidemic.
