
Thing is—and this will be an unpopular opinion I’m sure—discrimination against LGBT students really isn’t the problem here. Equal-opportunity bullying that is tolerated and even promoted by the school system is the problem. I got bullied mercilessly all through middle and high school (my family moved a lot and being

Gaaaah . . . what a blessed, logical, sensible, kind response. I want to cry just hearing it. Phillips should do a national schooling on how to appropriately respond to rape survivors.

The whole “forcibly has sex with” phrasing is ludicrous and irritating. It’s rape, it’s a rape scene. The review also uses that phrase and adds “then asserts his authority over her physically, and humiliatingly.” Which is the definition of rape. Call a spade a spade, cowards. BS euphemisms are whitewashing and help

Thank you!

“Snowflake” is neither a pet name (based on this conversation alone, I don’t like you,) nor condescending (per Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means”,) since I’ve assumed from the start that you understood what I was saying. Apparently not—and now your fixation on

You seem to be spending a lot of time parsing accusations for someone who isn’t threatened/offended. This was never about you personally, snowflake, but majority opinions. #notallmelodramaticbookburners

Ok hoss, sure . . . calling people condescending because your viewpoint is threatened, and then dismissively stating the real issue has “nothing to do with” what their point, and claiming a better value judgement of the book’s inherent worth isn’t a tone of superiority? Mmm-kay. As for citing “pedigree”— of which

Thank you, I just might. I really needed to hear that.

It’s “rather condescending” to assume I wasn’t replying to a frequent complaint that the ending wasn’t happy enough; also that your objections somehow stem from a superior taste, which I must not share. Extreme reaction regarding fire-barrels and such—”worst book ever!” ; “horrible writing!” and their ilk—are usually

I gotta disagree with those who hated the ending of Mockingjay the book—I found the devastation and betrayal incredibly realistic. Collins is writing about war and ends-justifying-the-means-thinking, social atrocity and government oppression, and the ending was brave, brutal, and fairly plausible. Kudos to the author

also there’s like a 25% chance that one of the kids on that flag is gay

This flag is hilarious and preposterous since of all countries Russia has one of the worst track records for Giving A Shit About Children. Sweatshop orphanages, sex trafficking, record abandonment—I’d rather be Rachel Dolezal at a Black Panthers convention than a kid in Russia.

maybe if greeting cards weren’t going for 4-8 bucks a piece and read like something out of an 11-year-old’s middle school talent show stand-up routine, the industry would be ok. not great, but ok.

This is pretty much my worst nightmare. I have two children and am in court right now after five years of sole custody and their father having supervised visitation only (due to the fact he nearly got them killed several times, by his own admission.) When we divorced, he wrote a letter himself stating how dangerous


“You guys are always after blood when it comes to crime, especially rape.”

Great. What minor sex fantasies I still have about him are going to either involve Gatsby-esque swimming pools, or salad dressing.

I used to live in San Diego. Know what’s even crazier than anything mentioned in the article? Just before Comicon, the city rounds up all the homeless people downtown, puts them on buses, and drops them off at a depot just north of Temecula. It takes them all about a week to work their way back down. But hey! the

The women died; sequential hermaphroditism began . . .

I think the lesson here is that all assholes are created equal.