
Other than the immuno-compromised, I think vaccine exemptions should be granted to people after one pesky little requirement: they volunteer to work for three weeks in a second- or third-world country during an epidemic.


Thing is—and this will be an unpopular opinion I’m sure—discrimination against LGBT students really isn’t the problem here. Equal-opportunity bullying that is tolerated and even promoted by the school system is the problem. I got bullied mercilessly all through middle and high school (my family moved a lot and being

Gaaaah . . . what a blessed, logical, sensible, kind response. I want to cry just hearing it. Phillips should do a national schooling on how to appropriately respond to rape survivors.

The whole “forcibly has sex with” phrasing is ludicrous and irritating. It’s rape, it’s a rape scene. The review also uses that phrase and adds “then asserts his authority over her physically, and humiliatingly.” Which is the definition of rape. Call a spade a spade, cowards. BS euphemisms are whitewashing and help

Thank you!

Thank you, I just might. I really needed to hear that.

also there’s like a 25% chance that one of the kids on that flag is gay

This flag is hilarious and preposterous since of all countries Russia has one of the worst track records for Giving A Shit About Children. Sweatshop orphanages, sex trafficking, record abandonment—I’d rather be Rachel Dolezal at a Black Panthers convention than a kid in Russia.

maybe if greeting cards weren’t going for 4-8 bucks a piece and read like something out of an 11-year-old’s middle school talent show stand-up routine, the industry would be ok. not great, but ok.

This is pretty much my worst nightmare. I have two children and am in court right now after five years of sole custody and their father having supervised visitation only (due to the fact he nearly got them killed several times, by his own admission.) When we divorced, he wrote a letter himself stating how dangerous


“You guys are always after blood when it comes to crime, especially rape.”

Great. What minor sex fantasies I still have about him are going to either involve Gatsby-esque swimming pools, or salad dressing.

I think the lesson here is that all assholes are created equal.

It’s mind-boggling. We were raised relatively poor, with limited opportunities for social events, yet still with a sense of occasion, courtesy, and propriety. It never in a million years would’ve occurred to us to ever do anything so crass and presumptive. It feels odd to accuse silver spoon types of “poor

Both my sister and I had evening weddings where, due to space or insurance constraints of the venue, adding kids to the mix just wasn’t possible. We were both polite but clear on our invitations, “Adults only, please.” Sis even went so far as to put down the number of respondents on the reply card, “please indicate 1

Look hoss, we both read the same story. NEITHER of us was there. We each at this point have a 50-50 shot of being right. You’re entitled to your opinion, I’m entitled to mine. Quit acting superior or more informed. Ya ain’t. (And again, if your definition of “real violence” begins at “knocking them 20 feet away and

Your scale of extremes speaks louder than anything else. So it’s either just “tapping” or blunt force trauma? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

lololol there is never a reason to kick a three-year-old. Ever. Basic physics means they go toppling over at the slightest imbalance. No well-intentioned and/or halfway intelligent parent I have ever met would intentionally do this.