
Meh. Weddings are huge social events and anyone who receives an invitation (more often than not with registry information AKA BUY US SOMETHING) will feel inclined to weigh in. Telling someone she’ll make a beautiful bride can even be a diplomatic way of avoiding a “congratulations” when someone is making a truly

This specific case makes me see red. Look, I’ll freely admit I’ve spanked my kids when they’ve done something dangerously disobedient—like running headlong into the street or throwing a huge rock at someone’s head. Coming from a very pro-spanking background, however, I can tell you it it’s neither effective nor

so the artist painted and titled this in some sort of fantasy fulfillment, but honestly . . . cats’ tongues are harsh yo and this would be like having a giant sander taken to your cootch

THIS. Nobody does the one-two combo of superiority + self-punishing aspiration like rich white women.

Nah. All of these kids just got handed the most amazing ice-breakers and pickup stories ever. Fractures heal; beachside tornado escapes are FOREVER.

Love it! I would totally attend meetings.

I have left many a restaurant and changed many a baby in the trunk of a car. Maintains basic courtesy AND the looks on people’s faces in the parking lot when I pull a baby out of the trunk are priceless.

A friend once asked me why I’m still a Christian, and I told her, “Because I believe in God, not the church. If I believed in the church to begin with, then I only ever believed in the man-made construct.” Make no mistake, the church is FULL of people who inspired the phrase “ya’ll need Jesus.” For that reason, some

I am a Christian who comes from a conservative background and I have NEVER NOT CALLED THE COPS on shit like this (and once, the press.) And sadly I have seen a lot of these bullshit church “reconciliation and forgiveness” set-ups that essentially silence the survivors. It’s asinine. Not only should protecting the

Best. cocktail. story. EVER.

Speaking as a person of deeply held religious principles, I’ve done had it with this WTF-ery of loud, rich “fellow” Christians. Jesus was basically a liberal hippie challenging the hypocritical establishment and commanding people to provide for widows and orphans (hello, welfare!), elevating women to equal footing

You are a superhero. Never change.

ALL THE FIST-PUMPING, TRIUMPHANT WOOHOOS. What an amazing victory and vindication for women in Pakistan.

Of course their vibe is “normal”. For the kids, how they grew up is normal. For Fualaau, normal is marrying and remaining loyal to your rapist—the only relationship he’s ever had. Letourneau apparently finds conceiving children with other children normal. “Normal” is simply what you’re used to.

I have two female friends who recently divorced their partners—one of 25 years!—because in both cases the guy's behavior was so unacceptable. For both, the man simply abandoned her, while living in the same house, and reserving the right to whine about how hard things were for him . . . needless to say, it was the