
Ughhhh *groan*

let me get comfortable so I can watch the ACLU go HAM all over these yokels

Ha, I do most of this already just from logic and seeing a million Seconds From Disaster type shows and reading about crashes. One thing I always do that isn’t mentioned is I tighten the crap out of my seatbelt once we roll to the runway threshold and loosen it but don’t take it off once we get above a few thousand

I think the latter. It seems too generous giving iHeart Radio people credit for even remembering that he’s dead.

Aw, dang. I just lost the game.

How is the vocabulary lacking when english has one of, if not the, largest vocabularies of all languages?

On the contrary: the vocabulary is diverse and we have a great number of synonyms, antonyms, etc. There are plenty of English words that cannot be translated to some language or another, and vice versa, so I don’t know what you’re getting on about. As far as sounds, we have plenty of sounds other languages don’t

It also ranks just above Klingon and Elvish for usefulness.

There he is! The meat-eater who wants every one to know how brave he is for having a conventional diet.

Same, but replace “first” with “only.”

Im not even close to a vegetarian - but this is the stupidest argument ever. Let me guess, you also don’t understand why lesbians use dildos...

eh, call me a philistine, but that Hong Kong exploding tunnel movie is the first one I’m watching from this list.

He has a penchant for beating people who have boobs

Exactly this. White legitimately thinks that the UFC is giving all of its fighters a really favorable deal. An awful lot of fighters don’t share this opinion.

This is why we can’t have nice memes.

not sure if that would make it more appealing to younger fighters but you are right. I was disgusted watching Dana on TUF giving this big diatribe on how great the UFC is and the best treated fighters and highest paid blah blah, fuck off with that shit. Unions help athletes, plain and simple.

Nazis are anti-American, dipshit.

I totally read the article as they were not going to do the original Curse of Osiris stream and were instead going to stream a conversation with their team about the issues the community has. The line ‘That will appear on the Bungie Blog’, at least initially, just read as their usual process of hosting a live stream