I approve.
I approve.
And give the cuddly grumpy old men of the sea diabetes? You monster.
As my mother says every time one of those interchangeable Kardashian trollops oozes onto the screen: why won’t you just fucking die?
The Tangerine Turd’ll sell his own kids to get away with shit. Mark my words - it’s a case of when and not if for him turning on his own hellspawn.
Don’t confuse the Yanks with the Welsh language! They’ve only just got their heads around the fact that Big Ben is the bell and the clock tower are two separate things!
I remember my ex-boyfriend’s flatmate (who when I first met him was in his late thirties) pointing out that the gay community in Britain had known George Michael was family well before the straight community. Its one of my best-loved quips about George Michael that he came out with: “No one can do a dramatic eyeroll…
Seriously, no, you don’t. It’s not yours, it’s ours (along with Australia and Israel) You have crap like The Bachelorette and The Best Little Whorehouse In Calabasas, aka Keeping Up With The Kardashians - this is ours.
Don’t kid yourself. You’ll be eating it!
Love that ever-so-optimistic “Resealable for freshness”. Sweethearts, that stuff was never fucking fresh in the first place...
Tilda Swinton is actually a really great comedic actress as well. A lot of mainsteam audiences got a glimpse of that with this...
lodged against Scotsmen by the British.
Ah, but then you have the Office Peacocks to contend with. An Office Peacock is that man or woman who struts around the office or call centre, dressed in all their workwear finery, demanding everyone look at them or pay attention to what they’re saying or doing. My company threw us all into furlough in April 2020…
Oh and yeah - sports bras are the way to go. I’ve seen a lot of women choosing to wear them. One of my colleagues told me that she’d rather wear a sports bra because a, it’s comfier, b, it has weirdly better support for her boobicles (her words, not mine) and c, it’s easy to dress up a sports bra if necessary than a…
The reason they’re cropped at the calf is because some deluded fuckwit thinks they look “kewt”. These are the same fuckwits who forced everyone to start wearing jeans that look like they’re painted on (ladies, if us men are told that wearing speedos are inappropriate, believe me, watching some Senga waddle her way…
When you’re dealing with the United States of Karen and Generation Karen, you need to bitchslap the fuck out of them and tell them that it’s not all about them sometimes and people in customer service roles deserve respect.
They’re about as consistent as a Happy Meal!
You know what would look good on those dresses? A bonfire.
Yeah, that bit made my skin crawl. Just, fuck off you rancid cretin and scurry off back down the sewer where you belong.