Eh, they’re all in Schengen, so it’s cool anyway.
Eh, they’re all in Schengen, so it’s cool anyway.
Well those neckbeards can go merrily fuck themselves.
Agreed. Mr Biblioteca and I binged-rewatched the entire show on Lockdown V1 and it goes from great to “what the hell happened!?” in the course of two seasons. And we never got the indepth look at Dorne that a lot of fans wanted (and not nearly half of the Sand Snakes - something I still find inexcusable).
Heya, Gargasmell. I’m not going to take you out of the Greys just yet, but I thought I’d let everyone enjoy your oh-so-eloquent response to me, you darling little inbred slag...
I think the prices are on Doordash (hiss, snarl). It’s CA$21.99 for something called a “six piece bucket” with “two large sides”. That’s US$17.97 or £12.93.
So Kimmy’s been found to be illegally appropriating another culture. What else is new with the Kartrashian?
Oh, take your damned star, you fiendish little minx, you!
Oh glee! I get to expose you lot to one of my all-time favourite Catherine Tate sketches...the Aga Saga Woman!
So firstly, I’m not here to deal with the spoiled brats who think that gluten’s making them fat - no, Basics, that’s because you’re fat lazy slobs who thinks that exercise equates to lifting your Big Gulp to your quivering chins. Cut down on your portion sizes and eat a fucking salad sometime, you whinging gimps - but…
Well, the order sounds pathetic and attention-seeking. I guess that “Edward” there probably takes that drink back to his cubicle and sips on it, hoping that someone comments on his ridiculous concoction. Edward, if you’re reading this: seek help.
I cannot, cannot, cannot wait for this to pop back onto BBC iPlayer. Pose is such a damned good series and such a damned good exploration of an oft-overlooked aspect of LGBT America.
“All of the lobsters the company deemed too ugly to live can be enjoyed with peppercorn-seasoned sirloin steak every Wednesday for the low, low price of $19.99.”
The women.
And I’m sorry - what’s with the fucking hoity-toity beeping? Malcolm Tucker is a Scottish legend. (And Peter Capaldi’s from just up the road from me, so you can imagine me snarling at idiots in pretty much the same way)
Ah, my spirit animal and scarily sounds like Mr Biblioteca shouting at the cat next door...
Which one, dear? We’ve got hundreds to choose from.
Ah, fandom “theories”. Projection is a wonderfully dangerous thing, my little turqoise-coiffed fuckwits. Back to FandomWank with you!
Indian cuisine is often really surprising for a lot of reasons, especially for people who have certain dietary needs. Personally, I feel it should be more popular everywhere because there’s just much damned variety. There’s literally something for everyone and, if you do have someone who is, say, vegan, or coeliac, or…
Cullen Skink.